# .dotfiles I moved from `bash` to `zsh` as my daily-driver a few years ago. Since then I have collected some neat settings, scripts, aliases and other niceties - not only for `zsh`, but also other CLI tools. ## Install Clone repo do your user directory ```~/.dotfiles``` and run `./install.sh` ## Definition for each file - zsh/settings Basic zsh settings - zsh/env Adds additional folders to the `$PATH` + the rest of the environment - zsh/alias Aliases and shortcuts - zsh/bindings Custom key bindings; mostly unused - zsh/scripts Small custom shell scripts & functions - zsh/ffmpeg FFmpeg helper functions - tmux/tmux.conf Settings for my `tmux` environment - ssh/settings Defaults for SSH connections - nanorc Settings for the `nano` editor - this-machine/zsh Preferences that only apply to the current machine (*git-exluded*) - this-machine/tmux.conf Preferences that only apply to the current machine (*git-exluded*)