#-------------------------------- # filename: /zsh/scripts #-------------------------------- # Search for string in all files in pwd function f() { grep -rnw ./ -e "$1" } # mkdir and cd function mkcd() { mkdir -p "$@" && cd "$_"; } # "Fake" sha256sum if [[ ! -x `which sha256sum` ]]; then function sha256sum() { shasum -a256 $1 } fi # pushover notification function pushover() { curl -s \ --form-string "token=$pushover_token" \ --form-string "user=$pushover_user" \ --form-string "title=$HOST" \ --form-string "message=$1" \ https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json } # png to jpg 85 function png2web() { findpath=$1 : ${findpath:="."} find "$findpath" -name '*.png' | while read f ; do dir=$(dirname "$f"); file=$(basename "$f"); name="${file%.*}"; magick convert "$f" pnm:- | cjpeg -progressive -quality 85 > "$dir/$name.jpg" ' -background black -flatten TGA:- | cjpeg -targo -quality 75 -optimize -progressive -outfile $1.jpg } # Make PDFs look like scanned # src: https://gist.github.com/andyrbell/25c8632e15d17c83a54602f6acde2724?permalink_comment_id=3295405#gistcomment-3295405 function pdf-like-scanned () { OUT=$(basename "$1" .pdf) convert -density 150 "$1" -rotate "$([ $((RANDOM % 2)) -eq 1 ] && echo -)0.$(($RANDOM % 4 + 5))" \ -attenuate 0.4 +noise Multiplicative -attenuate 0.03 +noise Multiplicative -sharpen 0x1.0 \ -colorspace Gray "$OUT"_scanned.pdf }