diff --git a/locales/zh_CN/translations.php b/locales/zh_CN/translations.php
index 6ac9ef8..c6732ff 100644
--- a/locales/zh_CN/translations.php
+++ b/locales/zh_CN/translations.php
@@ -1,104 +1,104 @@
- 'Previous page' => '上一页',
- 'Next page' => '下一页',
- 'Do not fetch the content of articles' => '不要抓取文章的内容',
- 'Remove automatically read items' => '自动移除已读条目',
- 'Never' => '从不',
- 'After %d day' => '%d 天之后',
- 'After %d days' => '%d 天之后',
- 'French' => '法语',
- 'English' => '英语',
- 'German' => '德语',
- 'Simplified Chinese' => '简体中文',
- 'unread' => '未读',
- 'bookmarks' => '收藏',
- 'bookmark' => '收藏',
- 'remove bookmark' => '取消收藏',
- 'Bookmarks' => '收藏',
- 'Bookmark item' => '收藏的条目',
- 'No bookmark' => '没有任何收藏',
- 'history' => '历史',
- 'subscriptions' => '订阅',
- 'Subscriptions' => '订阅',
- 'preferences' => '设置',
- 'Preferences' => '设置',
- 'logout' => '注销',
- 'Username' => '用户名',
- 'Password' => '密码',
- 'Confirmation' => '确认密码',
- 'Language' => '语言',
- 'Save' => '保存',
- 'More informations' => '更多信息',
- 'Database' => '数据库',
- 'Database size:' => '数据库大小:',
- 'Optimize the database' => '数据库优化',
- '(VACUUM command)' => '(VACUUM 命令)',
- 'Download the entire database' => '完整数据库下载',
- '(Gzip compressed Sqlite file)' => '(Gzip压缩过的Sqlite文件)',
- 'Keyboard shortcuts' => '键盘快捷键',
- 'Previous item' => '前一条目',
- 'Next item' => '下一条目',
- 'Mark as read or unread' => '标记为已读/未读',
- 'Open original link' => '打开来源链接',
- 'Open item' => '打开条目',
- 'About' => '关于',
- 'Miniflux version:' => 'Miniflux 版本:',
- 'Nothing to read' => '没有未读条目',
- 'unread items' => '个未读条目',
- 'mark all as read' => '全部标记为已读',
- 'original link' => '来源链接',
- 'mark as read' => '标记为已读',
- 'No history' => '没有历史记录',
- 'mark as unread' => '标记为未读',
- 'History' => '历史',
- 'flush all items' => '清空所有项目',
- 'Item not found' => '找不到项目',
- 'Unread items' => '未读条目',
- 'Next' => '下一个',
- 'Previous' => '前一个',
- 'Sign in' => '登陆',
- 'feeds' => '订阅源',
- 'add' => '添加',
- 'import' => '导入',
- 'export' => '导出',
- 'OPML Import' => 'OPML 导入',
- 'OPML file' => 'OPML 文件',
- 'Import' => '导入',
- 'refresh all' => '全部刷新',
- 'No subscription' => '没有订阅',
- 'remove' => '移除',
- 'refresh' => '刷新',
- 'feed link' => '订阅源地址',
- 'New subscription' => '添加订阅源',
- 'Website or Feed URL' => '网站或订阅源URL',
- 'Add' => '添加',
+ 'Items per page' => '姣忛〉鏉$洰鏁',
+ 'Previous page' => '涓婁竴椤',
+ 'Next page' => '涓嬩竴椤',
+ 'Do not fetch the content of articles' => '涓嶈鎶撳彇鏂囩珷鐨勫唴瀹',
+ 'Remove automatically read items' => '鑷姩绉婚櫎宸茶鏉$洰',
+ 'Never' => '浠庝笉',
+ 'After %d day' => '%d 澶╀箣鍚',
+ 'After %d days' => '%d 澶╀箣鍚',
+ 'French' => '娉曡',
+ 'English' => '鑻辫',
+ 'German' => '寰疯',
+ 'Simplified Chinese' => '绠浣撲腑鏂',
+ 'unread' => '鏈',
+ 'bookmarks' => '鏀惰棌',
+ 'bookmark' => '鏀惰棌',
+ 'remove bookmark' => '鍙栨秷鏀惰棌',
+ 'Bookmarks' => '鏀惰棌',
+ 'Bookmark item' => '鏀惰棌鐨勬潯鐩',
+ 'No bookmark' => '娌℃湁浠讳綍鏀惰棌',
+ 'history' => '鍘嗗彶',
+ 'subscriptions' => '璁㈤槄',
+ 'Subscriptions' => '璁㈤槄',
+ 'preferences' => '璁剧疆',
+ 'Preferences' => '璁剧疆',
+ 'logout' => '娉ㄩ攢',
+ 'Username' => '鐢ㄦ埛鍚',
+ 'Password' => '瀵嗙爜',
+ 'Confirmation' => '纭瀵嗙爜',
+ 'Language' => '璇█',
+ 'Save' => '淇濆瓨',
+ 'More informations' => '鏇村淇℃伅',
+ 'Database' => '鏁版嵁搴',
+ 'Database size:' => '鏁版嵁搴撳ぇ灏:',
+ 'Optimize the database' => '鏁版嵁搴撲紭鍖',
+ '(VACUUM command)' => '(VACUUM 鍛戒护)',
+ 'Download the entire database' => '瀹屾暣鏁版嵁搴撲笅杞',
+ '(Gzip compressed Sqlite file)' => '(Gzip鍘嬬缉杩囩殑Sqlite鏂囦欢)',
+ 'Keyboard shortcuts' => '閿洏蹇嵎閿',
+ 'Previous item' => '鍓嶄竴鏉$洰',
+ 'Next item' => '涓嬩竴鏉$洰',
+ 'Mark as read or unread' => '鏍囪涓哄凡璇/鏈',
+ 'Open original link' => '鎵撳紑鏉ユ簮閾炬帴',
+ 'Open item' => '鎵撳紑鏉$洰',
+ 'About' => '鍏充簬',
+ 'Miniflux version:' => 'Miniflux 鐗堟湰:',
+ 'Nothing to read' => '娌℃湁鏈鏉$洰',
+ 'unread items' => '涓湭璇绘潯鐩',
+ 'mark all as read' => '鍏ㄩ儴鏍囪涓哄凡璇',
+ 'original link' => '鏉ユ簮閾炬帴',
+ 'mark as read' => '鏍囪涓哄凡璇',
+ 'No history' => '娌℃湁鍘嗗彶璁板綍',
+ 'mark as unread' => '鏍囪涓烘湭璇',
+ 'History' => '鍘嗗彶',
+ 'flush all items' => '娓呯┖鎵鏈夐」鐩',
+ 'Item not found' => '鎵句笉鍒伴」鐩',
+ 'Unread items' => '鏈鏉$洰',
+ 'Next' => '涓嬩竴涓',
+ 'Previous' => '鍓嶄竴涓',
+ 'Sign in' => '鐧婚檰',
+ 'feeds' => '璁㈤槄婧',
+ 'add' => '娣诲姞',
+ 'import' => '瀵煎叆',
+ 'export' => '瀵煎嚭',
+ 'OPML Import' => 'OPML 瀵煎叆',
+ 'OPML file' => 'OPML 鏂囦欢',
+ 'Import' => '瀵煎叆',
+ 'refresh all' => '鍏ㄩ儴鍒锋柊',
+ 'No subscription' => '娌℃湁璁㈤槄',
+ 'remove' => '绉婚櫎',
+ 'refresh' => '鍒锋柊',
+ 'feed link' => '璁㈤槄婧愬湴鍧',
+ 'New subscription' => '娣诲姞璁㈤槄婧',
+ 'Website or Feed URL' => '缃戠珯鎴栬闃呮簮URL',
+ 'Add' => '娣诲姞',
'http://website/' => 'http://abc.com/rss',
- 'Yes' => '确认',
- 'cancel' => '取消',
- 'or' => '或者',
- 'Official website:' => '官方网站:',
- 'Bad username or password' => '用户名或密码错误',
- 'Unable to update your preferences.' => '无法更新你的设置',
- 'Your preferences are updated.' => '你的设置已更新',
- 'Unable to import your OPML file.' => '无法导入你的 OPML 文件',
- 'Your feeds have been imported.' => '你的订阅源已被导入',
- 'Unable to find a subscription.' => '找不到订阅源',
- 'Subscription added successfully.' => '订阅源成功添加',
- 'Your subscriptions are updated' => '你的订阅源已更新',
- 'Unable to remove this subscription.' => '无法移除这个订阅',
+ 'Yes' => '纭',
+ 'cancel' => '鍙栨秷',
+ 'or' => '鎴栬',
+ 'Official website:' => '瀹樻柟缃戠珯:',
+ 'Bad username or password' => '鐢ㄦ埛鍚嶆垨瀵嗙爜閿欒',
+ 'Unable to update your preferences.' => '鏃犳硶鏇存柊浣犵殑璁剧疆',
+ 'Your preferences are updated.' => '浣犵殑璁剧疆宸叉洿鏂',
+ 'Unable to import your OPML file.' => '鏃犳硶瀵煎叆浣犵殑 OPML 鏂囦欢',
+ 'Your feeds have been imported.' => '浣犵殑璁㈤槄婧愬凡琚鍏',
+ 'Unable to find a subscription.' => '鎵句笉鍒拌闃呮簮',
+ 'Subscription added successfully.' => '璁㈤槄婧愭垚鍔熸坊鍔',
+ 'Your subscriptions are updated' => '浣犵殑璁㈤槄婧愬凡鏇存柊',
+ 'Unable to remove this subscription.' => '鏃犳硶绉婚櫎杩欎釜璁㈤槄',
- 'This subscription has been removed successfully.' => '成功移除这个订阅',
- 'The user name is required' => '用户名必填',
- 'The maximum length is 50 characters' => '最大长度是 50 个字符',
- 'The password is required' => '密码必填',
- 'The minimum length is 6 characters' => '最小长度是 6 个字符',
- 'The confirmation is required' => '确认密码必填',
- 'Passwords doesn\'t match' => '两次输入密码不一致',
- 'Do you really want to remove these items from your history?' => '你确认要移除这些历史记录吗?',
- 'Do you really want to remove this subscription: "%s"?' => '你确定要移除这个订阅源: "%s" ?',
+ 'This subscription has been removed successfully.' => '鎴愬姛绉婚櫎杩欎釜璁㈤槄',
+ 'The user name is required' => '鐢ㄦ埛鍚嶅繀濉',
+ 'The maximum length is 50 characters' => '鏈澶ч暱搴︽槸 50 涓瓧绗',
+ 'The password is required' => '瀵嗙爜蹇呭~',
+ 'The minimum length is 6 characters' => '鏈灏忛暱搴︽槸 6 涓瓧绗',
+ 'The confirmation is required' => '纭瀵嗙爜蹇呭~',
+ 'Passwords doesn\'t match' => '涓ゆ杈撳叆瀵嗙爜涓嶄竴鑷',
+ 'Do you really want to remove these items from your history?' => '浣犵‘璁よ绉婚櫎杩欎簺鍘嗗彶璁板綍鍚楋紵',
+ 'Do you really want to remove this subscription: "%s"?' => '浣犵‘瀹氳绉婚櫎杩欎釜璁㈤槄婧: "%s" 锛',
'Nothing to read, do you want to update your subscriptions?' =>
- '空空如也,你想要更新订阅源嘛?'
+ '绌虹┖濡備篃锛屼綘鎯宠鏇存柊璁㈤槄婧鍢涳紵'