diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index 7006a0c..2ae3bad 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ .PHONY: js .PHONY: unit-test-sqlite .PHONY: unit-test-postgres +.PHONY: sync-locales +.PHONY: find-locales JS_FILE = assets/js/all.js CONTAINER = miniflux @@ -45,3 +47,8 @@ unit-test-sqlite: unit-test-postgres: @ ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c tests/phpunit.unit.postgres.xml +sync-locales: + @ php scripts/sync-locales.php + +find-locales: + @ php scripts/find-locales.php diff --git a/app/controllers/help.php b/app/controllers/help.php index c7c5c9e..a03ede4 100644 --- a/app/controllers/help.php +++ b/app/controllers/help.php @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Router\get_action('help', function () { Response\html(Template\layout('help', array( 'config' => Model\Config\get_all($user_id), 'menu' => 'config', - 'title' => t('Preferences') + 'title' => t('Help') ))); }); diff --git a/app/locales/ar_AR/translations.php b/app/locales/ar_AR/translations.php index 2f9f92d..3effa0b 100644 --- a/app/locales/ar_AR/translations.php +++ b/app/locales/ar_AR/translations.php @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ return array( 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your favorites articles!' => 'ليس هناك شيء جديد للقراءة، ! إستمتع بقراءة مالديك في مفضلاتك', // 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your previous readings!' => '', 'Immediately' => 'حالاً', - '(error occurred during the last check)' => '(هناك خطأ خلال عملية التحديث الأخيره)', 'The feed id is required' => 'تغذية الخلاصات مطلوب', 'The title is required' => 'يرجى إدخال العنوان', 'The site url is required' => 'يرجى إدخال رابط الموقع الإلكتروني', @@ -39,8 +38,6 @@ return array( 'Drag and drop this link to your bookmarks' => 'سحب وإسقاط هذا الرابط إلى المواقع في مفضلاتك', 'Download full content' => 'تحميل المحتوى كاملاً', 'Downloading full content is slower because Miniflux grab the content from the original website. You should use that for subscriptions that display only a summary. This feature doesn\'t work with all websites.' => ' يرجى ملاحظة أن عملية تحميل المحتوى كاملاً ستكون بطيئةً ، و ذلك لإن برنامج ميني فلكس يقوم بإستخراج المحتوى من الموقع الأصلي. وعليه، يجب إستخدام هذه الخاصية فقط للمواقع التي لا تقدم خلاصلات بمحتوى كامل يرجى ملاحظة أن هذه الخاصية قد لا تعمل بشكل جيد مع بعض المواقع الإلكترونية', - 'No message' => 'لا توجد رسائل', - 'flush messages' => 'مسح التنبيهات و رسائل الخطأ', 'API endpoint:' => 'API endpoint (خاص بالمطورين): ', 'API username:' => 'API username (خاص بالمطورين):', 'API token:' => 'API token (خاص بالمطورين): ', @@ -154,18 +151,6 @@ return array( '%d month ago' => 'قبل %d شهر', 'Timezone' => ':المنطقة الزمنية', 'Update all subscriptions' => 'تحديث كل الإشتراكات', - 'Don\'t forget to backup your database' => 'لاتنسى إنشاء نسخة إحتياطية من قاعدة البيانات', - 'The name must have only alpha-numeric characters' => 'يجب إدخال أحرف أو أرقام فقط', - 'New database' => 'إنشاء قاعدة بيانات جديده', - 'Database name' => 'إسم قاعدة البيانات', - 'Default database' => 'قاعدة البيانات الإفتراضية', - 'Select another database' => 'إختر قاعدة بيانات أخرى', - 'The database name is required' => 'يرجى إدخال إسم قاعدة البيانات', - 'Database created successfully.' => 'تمت عملية إنشاء قاعدة بيانات بنجاح', - 'Unable to create the new database.' => 'غير قادر على إنشاء قاعدة بيانات جديدة', - 'Add a new database (new user)' => 'إنشاء قاعدة بيانات جديدة (مستخدم جديد)', - 'Create' => 'إنشاء', - 'Unknown' => 'غير معروف', 'Remember Me' => 'تذكرني', 'Display items on lists' => ':عرض العناوين ظمن قائمة ', 'Summaries' => 'مختصر', @@ -175,7 +160,6 @@ return array( 'Remove this feed' => 'حذف هذه الخلاصه', 'Miniflux' => 'ميني فلكس', 'mini%sflux%s' => 'mini%sflux%s', - 'All' => 'الكل', 'Advanced' => 'الوضع المتقدم', 'Documentation' => 'Documentation', 'Installation instructions' => 'تعليمات تركيب البرنامج', @@ -183,14 +167,12 @@ return array( 'Cronjob' => 'Cronjob', 'Advanced configuration' => 'إعدادات متقدمة', 'Full article download' => 'تحميل محتوى الخبر كاملاً', - 'Multiple users' => 'مستخدمين متعديين', 'Themes' => 'الواجهات', 'Json-RPC API' => 'API Json-RPC', 'Fever API' => 'Fever API', 'Translations' => 'الترجمه', 'Run Miniflux with Docker' => 'تشغيل برنامج ميني فلكس مع برنامج Docker', 'FAQ' => 'أسئلة و إجابات', - 'settings' => 'إعدادات', 'help' => 'مساعدة', 'api' => 'api', 'about' => 'حول البرنامج', @@ -219,16 +201,13 @@ return array( 'Download favicons' => 'تحميل أيقونة الموقع الإلكتروني', 'general' => 'عام', 'Refresh interval in minutes for unread counter' => ':الفترة الزمنية بالدقائق لتحديث عداد العناوين الغير مقروءه', - 'Nothing to show. Enable the debug mode to see log messages.' => 'لا يوجد ما يمكن عرضه. قم بتفعيل خيار التصحيح ', - 'Enable debug mode' => 'تفعيل وضح التصحيح', 'Original link marks article as read' => 'تحويل العنوان إلى مقروء بمجرد النقر على الرابط الأصلي للعنوان', 'Cloak the image referrer' => 'Cloak the image referrer', // 'This subscription already exists.' => '', // 'Connection timeout.' => '', - // 'Error occured.' => '', // 'Feed is malformed.' => '', // 'Invalid SSL certificate.' => '', - // 'Maximum number of HTTP redirections exceeded.' => '', + // 'Maximum number of HTTP redirection exceeded.' => '', // 'The content size exceeds to maximum allowed size.' => '', // 'Unable to detect the feed format.' => '', // 'add a new group' => '', @@ -237,11 +216,39 @@ return array( // 'view' => '', // 'Item title links to' => '', // 'Original' => '', - // 'Last login:' => '', + // 'Last Login' => '', // 'Search' => '', // 'There are no results for your search' => '', // 'Send bookmarks to Wallabag' => '', // 'Wallabag username' => '', // 'Wallabag password' => '', // 'An error occurred during the last check: "%s".' => '', + // 'User Profile' => '', + // 'Users' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'New user created successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Edit User' => '', + // 'User modified successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to edit this user.' => '', + // 'Remove User' => '', + // 'Not allowed to fetch feed.' => '', + // 'Unable to save this subscription in the database.' => '', + // 'Titles' => '', + // 'profile' => '', + // 'users' => '', + // 'Cronjob URL' => '', + // 'Do you really want to remove this user: "%s"?' => '', + // 'Administrator' => '', + // '%e %B %Y %k:%M' => '', + // 'Wallabag' => '', + // 'Wallabag API URL' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client ID' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client Secret' => '', + // 'Action' => '', + // 'Yes' => '', + // 'No' => '', + // 'Edit' => '', + // 'The user id required' => '', + // 'The username must be unique' => '', ); diff --git a/app/locales/cs_CZ/translations.php b/app/locales/cs_CZ/translations.php index dc257dd..ce0985e 100644 --- a/app/locales/cs_CZ/translations.php +++ b/app/locales/cs_CZ/translations.php @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ return array( 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your favorites articles!' => 'Není tu nic nového ke čtení, užijte si vaše oblíbené články!', 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your previous readings!' => 'Není tu nic nového ke čtení, užijte si vaše starší články!', 'Immediately' => 'Hned', - '(error occurred during the last check)' => '(během poslední kontroly nastala chyba)', 'The feed id is required' => 'Id zdroje je vyžadováno', 'The title is required' => 'Název je vyžadován', 'The site url is required' => 'URL stránky je vyžadováno', @@ -39,8 +38,6 @@ return array( 'Drag and drop this link to your bookmarks' => 'Přetáhněte si tento odkaz mezi záložky', 'Download full content' => 'Stahovat celý obsah', 'Downloading full content is slower because Miniflux grab the content from the original website. You should use that for subscriptions that display only a summary. This feature doesn\'t work with all websites.' => 'Stahování celého obsahu je pomalejší, protože Miniflux získává obsah z původní webové stránky. Měli byste to používat jen pro odběry které zobrazují pouze shrnutí. Tato funkce nefunguje se všemi stránkami.', - 'No message' => 'Žádné zprávy', - 'flush messages' => 'smazat zprávy', 'API endpoint:' => 'Koncový bod:', 'API username:' => 'Uživatelské jméno:', 'API token:' => 'Heslo:', @@ -154,18 +151,6 @@ return array( '%d month ago' => array('před měsícem', 'před %d měsíci', 'před %d měsíci'), 'Timezone' => 'Časová zóna', 'Update all subscriptions' => 'Aktualizovat všechny odběry', - 'Don\'t forget to backup your database' => 'Nezapomeňte zálohovat vaši databázi', - 'The name must have only alpha-numeric characters' => 'Jméno smí obsahovat pouze písmena a číslice', - 'New database' => 'Nová databáze', - 'Database name' => 'Jméno databáze', - 'Default database' => 'Výchozí databáze', - 'Select another database' => 'Vyberte jinou databázi', - 'The database name is required' => 'Jméno databáze je vyžadováno', - 'Database created successfully.' => 'Databáze úspěšně vytvořena.', - 'Unable to create the new database.' => 'Nelze vytvořit novou databázi.', - 'Add a new database (new user)' => 'Přidat novou databázi (nového uživatele)', - 'Create' => 'Vytvořit', - 'Unknown' => 'Neznámý', 'Remember Me' => 'Zapamatovat si mě', 'Display items on lists' => 'Zobrazovat články na seznamech', 'Summaries' => 'Shrnutí', @@ -175,7 +160,6 @@ return array( 'Remove this feed' => 'Odstranit tento zdroj', 'Miniflux' => 'Miniflux', 'mini%sflux%s' => 'mini%sflux%s', - 'All' => 'Vše', 'Advanced' => 'Pokročilé', 'Documentation' => 'dokumentace', 'Installation instructions' => 'Instalační instrukce', @@ -183,14 +167,12 @@ return array( 'Cronjob' => 'Cronjob', 'Advanced configuration' => 'Pokročilá nastavení', 'Full article download' => 'stahování celého článku', - 'Multiple users' => 'Více uživatelů', 'Themes' => 'Témata', 'Json-RPC API' => 'Json-RPC API', 'Fever API' => 'Fever API', 'Translations' => 'Překlady', 'Run Miniflux with Docker' => 'Spouštět Miniflux s Dockerem', 'FAQ' => 'ČKD', - 'settings' => 'nastavení', 'help' => 'nápověda', 'api' => 'api', 'about' => 'o', @@ -219,16 +201,13 @@ return array( 'Download favicons' => 'Stahovat favicony', 'general' => 'základní', 'Refresh interval in minutes for unread counter' => 'Obnovovací interval v minutách pro počítadlo nepřečtených', - 'Nothing to show. Enable the debug mode to see log messages.' => 'Není co ukázat. Povolte ladící režim pro zobrazení záznamů.', - 'Enable debug mode' => 'Povolit ladící režim', 'Original link marks article as read' => 'Původní odkaz označí článek za přečtený', 'Cloak the image referrer' => 'Zamaskovat původce obrázků', 'This subscription already exists.' => 'Tento odběr již existuje.', 'Connection timeout.' => 'Vypršel časový limit spojení.', - 'Error occured.' => 'Nastala chyba.', 'Feed is malformed.' => 'Odběr má špatný formát.', 'Invalid SSL certificate.' => 'Neplatný SSL certifikát.', - 'Maximum number of HTTP redirections exceeded.' => 'Maximální počet HTTP přesměrování překročen.', + // 'Maximum number of HTTP redirection exceeded.' => '', 'The content size exceeds to maximum allowed size.' => 'Velikost obsahu překročila maximální povolenou velikost.', 'Unable to detect the feed format.' => 'Nelze detekovat formát odběru.', 'add a new group' => 'přidat novou skupinu', @@ -237,11 +216,39 @@ return array( 'view' => 'zobrazit', 'Item title links to' => 'Titulek článku odkazuje na', 'Original' => 'Originál', - 'Last login:' => 'Poslední přihlášení:', + // 'Last Login' => '', 'Search' => 'Hledat', 'There are no results for your search' => 'Žádné výsledky pro toto hledání', 'Send bookmarks to Wallabag' => 'Poslat záložky na Wallabag', 'Wallabag username' => 'Wallabag uživatelské jmnéno', 'Wallabag password' => 'Wallabah heslo', // 'An error occurred during the last check: "%s".' => '', + // 'User Profile' => '', + // 'Users' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'New user created successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Edit User' => '', + // 'User modified successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to edit this user.' => '', + // 'Remove User' => '', + // 'Not allowed to fetch feed.' => '', + // 'Unable to save this subscription in the database.' => '', + // 'Titles' => '', + // 'profile' => '', + // 'users' => '', + // 'Cronjob URL' => '', + // 'Do you really want to remove this user: "%s"?' => '', + // 'Administrator' => '', + // '%e %B %Y %k:%M' => '', + // 'Wallabag' => '', + // 'Wallabag API URL' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client ID' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client Secret' => '', + // 'Action' => '', + // 'Yes' => '', + // 'No' => '', + // 'Edit' => '', + // 'The user id required' => '', + // 'The username must be unique' => '', ); diff --git a/app/locales/de_DE/translations.php b/app/locales/de_DE/translations.php index b3600a6..f916c40 100644 --- a/app/locales/de_DE/translations.php +++ b/app/locales/de_DE/translations.php @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ return array( 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your favorites articles!' => 'Es gibt nichts zu lesen, genieße deine Favoriten!', 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your previous readings!' => 'Es gibt nichts zu lesen, genieße bereits gelesenes!', 'Immediately' => 'Sofort', - '(error occurred during the last check)' => '(Fehler bei der letzten Aktualisierung)', 'The feed id is required' => 'Die Feed-ID ist erforderlich', 'The title is required' => 'Der Titel ist erforderlich', 'The site url is required' => 'Die Website-URL ist erforderlich', @@ -39,8 +38,6 @@ return array( 'Drag and drop this link to your bookmarks' => 'Ziehe diesen Link in deine Lesezeichen', 'Download full content' => 'Vollständigen Inhalt herunterladen', 'Downloading full content is slower because Miniflux grab the content from the original website. You should use that for subscriptions that display only a summary. This feature doesn\'t work with all websites.' => 'Den vollständigen Inhalt herunterzuladen beansprucht mehr Zeit, da Miniflux den Inhalt von der Original-Website holt. Du solltest diese Funktion nur für Feeds nutzen, die lediglich einen Auszug anzeigen. Diese Funktion funktioniert nicht mit jeder Website.', - 'No message' => 'Keine Nachricht', - 'flush messages' => 'Meldungen entfernen', 'API endpoint:' => 'API-Endpunkt:', 'API username:' => 'API-Benutzername:', 'API token:' => 'API-Token:', @@ -154,18 +151,6 @@ return array( '%d month ago' => array('Vor %d Monat', 'Vor %d Monaten'), 'Timezone' => 'Zeitzone', 'Update all subscriptions' => 'Alle Abonnements aktualisieren', - 'Don\'t forget to backup your database' => 'Vergiss nicht, die Datenbank zu sichern', - 'The name must have only alpha-numeric characters' => 'Der Name darf nur alphanumerische Zeichen enthalten', - 'New database' => 'Neue Datenbank', - 'Database name' => 'Name der Datenbank', - 'Default database' => 'Standard-Datenbank', - 'Select another database' => 'Andere Datenbank auswählen', - 'The database name is required' => 'Der Datenbank-Name ist erforderlich', - 'Database created successfully.' => 'Datenbank erfolgreich erstellt.', - 'Unable to create the new database.' => 'Fehler bei der Erstellung der neuen Datenbank.', - 'Add a new database (new user)' => 'Neue Datenbank hinzufügen (neuer Benutzer)', - 'Create' => 'Erstellen', - 'Unknown' => 'Unbekannt', 'Remember Me' => 'Erinnere dich an mich', 'Display items on lists' => 'Einträge in Listen anzeigen', 'Summaries' => 'Zusammenfassungen', @@ -175,7 +160,6 @@ return array( 'Remove this feed' => 'Dieses Abonnement entfernen', 'Miniflux' => 'Miniflux', 'mini%sflux%s' => 'mini%sflux%s', - 'All' => 'Alle', 'Advanced' => 'Erweitert', 'Documentation' => 'Dokumentation', 'Installation instructions' => 'Installationsanleitung', @@ -183,14 +167,12 @@ return array( 'Cronjob' => 'Cronjob', 'Advanced configuration' => 'Fortgeschrittene Konfiguration', 'Full article download' => 'Ganzen Artikel herunterladen', - 'Multiple users' => 'Mehrere Benutzer', 'Themes' => 'Themes', 'Json-RPC API' => 'Json-RPC API', 'Fever API' => 'Fever API', 'Translations' => 'Übersetzungen', 'Run Miniflux with Docker' => 'Miniflux mit Docker laufen lassen', 'FAQ' => 'FAQ', - 'settings' => 'Einstellungen', 'help' => 'Hilfe', 'api' => 'api', 'about' => 'über', @@ -219,16 +201,13 @@ return array( 'Download favicons' => 'Favicons herunterladen', 'general' => 'allgemein', 'Refresh interval in minutes for unread counter' => 'Ungelesen-Anzahl aktualisieren (in minuten)', - 'Nothing to show. Enable the debug mode to see log messages.' => 'Keine Daten verfügbar. Schalte den Debug-Modus ein, um Log-Nachrichten zu sehen.', - 'Enable debug mode' => 'Debug-Modus einschalten', 'Original link marks article as read' => 'Original-Link markiert Artikel als gelesen', 'Cloak the image referrer' => 'Bild-Referrer verschleiern', 'This subscription already exists.' => 'Dieses Abonnement ist bereits vorhanden.', 'Connection timeout.' => 'Verbindungs-Timeout.', - 'Error occured.' => 'Fehler aufgetreten.', 'Feed is malformed.' => 'Feed ist fehlerhaft.', 'Invalid SSL certificate.' => 'Ungültiges SSL-Zertifikat.', - 'Maximum number of HTTP redirections exceeded.' => 'Maximale Anzahl von HTTP-Weiterleitungen überschritten.', + // 'Maximum number of HTTP redirection exceeded.' => '', 'The content size exceeds to maximum allowed size.' => 'Der Inhalt überschreitet die maximal erlaubte Größe.', 'Unable to detect the feed format.' => 'Das Feed-Format wird nicht erkannt.', 'add a new group' => 'Füge eine neue Gruppe hinzu', @@ -237,11 +216,39 @@ return array( 'view' => 'Ansehen', 'Item title links to' => 'Eintragstitel verweist auf', 'Original' => 'Original', - 'Last login:' => 'Letzte Anmeldung:', + // 'Last Login' => '', 'Search' => 'Suchen', 'There are no results for your search' => 'Deine Suche lieferte keine Ergebnisse', // 'Send bookmarks to Wallabag' => '', // 'Wallabag username' => '', // 'Wallabag password' => '', // 'An error occurred during the last check: "%s".' => '', + // 'User Profile' => '', + // 'Users' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'New user created successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Edit User' => '', + // 'User modified successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to edit this user.' => '', + // 'Remove User' => '', + // 'Not allowed to fetch feed.' => '', + // 'Unable to save this subscription in the database.' => '', + // 'Titles' => '', + // 'profile' => '', + // 'users' => '', + // 'Cronjob URL' => '', + // 'Do you really want to remove this user: "%s"?' => '', + // 'Administrator' => '', + // '%e %B %Y %k:%M' => '', + // 'Wallabag' => '', + // 'Wallabag API URL' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client ID' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client Secret' => '', + // 'Action' => '', + // 'Yes' => '', + // 'No' => '', + // 'Edit' => '', + // 'The user id required' => '', + // 'The username must be unique' => '', ); diff --git a/app/locales/es_ES/translations.php b/app/locales/es_ES/translations.php index baafd09..8d9f0e1 100644 --- a/app/locales/es_ES/translations.php +++ b/app/locales/es_ES/translations.php @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ return array( 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your favorites articles!' => 'No hay nada nuevo que leer, ¡disfrute de sus artículos favoritos!', 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your previous readings!' => 'No hay nada nuevo que leer, ¡disfrute de sus lecturas anteriores!', 'Immediately' => 'Inmediatamente', - '(error occurred during the last check)' => '(problema encontrado durante la última comprobación)', 'The feed id is required' => 'Se requiere ID de canal', 'The title is required' => 'Se requiere título', 'The site url is required' => 'Se requiere dirección de página', @@ -39,8 +38,6 @@ return array( 'Drag and drop this link to your bookmarks' => 'Arrastrar y soltar el enlace en los marcadores', 'Download full content' => 'Descargar contenido completo', 'Downloading full content is slower because Miniflux grab the content from the original website. You should use that for subscriptions that display only a summary. This feature doesn\'t work with all websites.' => 'La descarga del contenido completo es más lenta porque Miniflux baja el contenido de la página original. Sólo debería usarse esto para suscripciones que no ofrecen sino un sumario. No anda esta funcionalidad con todas las páginas Web.', - 'No message' => 'No hay mensaje', - 'flush messages' => 'borrar mensajes', 'API endpoint:' => 'Localización de la API:', 'API username:' => 'Nombre de usuario para la API:', 'API token:' => 'Clave para la API:', @@ -154,18 +151,6 @@ return array( '%d month ago' => array('hace %d mes', 'hace %d meses'), 'Timezone' => 'Zona horaria', 'Update all subscriptions' => 'Actualizar todas las subscripciones', - 'Don\'t forget to backup your database' => 'No olvides de hacer una copia de seguridad de la base de datos', - 'The name must have only alpha-numeric characters' => 'El nombre sólo puede contener caractéres alfanuméricos', - 'New database' => 'Nueva base de datos', - 'Database name' => 'Nombre de la base de datos', - 'Default database' => 'Base de datos por defecto', - 'Select another database' => 'Seleccionar otra base de datos', - 'The database name is required' => 'Es necesario poner nombre a la base de datos', - 'Database created successfully.' => 'Base de datos creada correctamente', - 'Unable to create the new database.' => 'No es posible crear la nueva base de datos', - 'Add a new database (new user)' => 'Añadir una nueva base de datos (nuevo usuario)', - 'Create' => 'Crear', - 'Unknown' => 'Desconocido', 'Remember Me' => 'Recuérdame', 'Display items on lists' => 'Mostrar elementos en listas', 'Summaries' => 'Sumarios', @@ -175,7 +160,6 @@ return array( 'Remove this feed' => 'Eliminar esta subscripción', 'Miniflux' => 'Miniflux', // 'mini%sflux%s' => '', - 'All' => 'Todos', 'Advanced' => 'Avanzado', 'Documentation' => 'Documentación', 'Installation instructions' => 'Instrucciones de instalación', @@ -183,14 +167,12 @@ return array( // 'Cronjob' => '', 'Advanced configuration' => 'Configuración avanzada', 'Full article download' => 'Descargar el artículo completo', - 'Multiple users' => 'Múltiples usuarios', 'Themes' => 'Temas', 'Json-RPC API' => 'API Json-RPC', 'Fever API' => 'API Fever', 'Translations' => 'Traducciones', 'Run Miniflux with Docker' => 'Ejecutar Miniflux con Docker', 'FAQ' => 'FAQ', - 'settings' => 'configuración', 'help' => 'ayuda', 'api' => 'api', 'about' => 'acerca de', @@ -219,16 +201,13 @@ return array( 'Download favicons' => 'Descargar favicons', 'general' => 'general', 'Refresh interval in minutes for unread counter' => 'Intervalo de actualización en minutos del contador de artículos sin leer', - 'Nothing to show. Enable the debug mode to see log messages.' => 'Nada que mostrar. Active el modo de depuración para ver los mensages del log', - 'Enable debug mode' => 'Activar modo de depuración', 'Original link marks article as read' => 'Link original marca artículo cómo leído', // 'Cloak the image referrer' => '', // 'This subscription already exists.' => '', // 'Connection timeout.' => '', - // 'Error occured.' => '', // 'Feed is malformed.' => '', // 'Invalid SSL certificate.' => '', - // 'Maximum number of HTTP redirections exceeded.' => '', + // 'Maximum number of HTTP redirection exceeded.' => '', // 'The content size exceeds to maximum allowed size.' => '', // 'Unable to detect the feed format.' => '', // 'add a new group' => '', @@ -237,11 +216,39 @@ return array( // 'view' => '', // 'Item title links to' => '', // 'Original' => '', - // 'Last login:' => '', + // 'Last Login' => '', // 'Search' => '', // 'There are no results for your search' => '', // 'Send bookmarks to Wallabag' => '', // 'Wallabag username' => '', // 'Wallabag password' => '', // 'An error occurred during the last check: "%s".' => '', + // 'User Profile' => '', + // 'Users' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'New user created successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Edit User' => '', + // 'User modified successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to edit this user.' => '', + // 'Remove User' => '', + // 'Not allowed to fetch feed.' => '', + // 'Unable to save this subscription in the database.' => '', + // 'Titles' => '', + // 'profile' => '', + // 'users' => '', + // 'Cronjob URL' => '', + // 'Do you really want to remove this user: "%s"?' => '', + // 'Administrator' => '', + // '%e %B %Y %k:%M' => '', + // 'Wallabag' => '', + // 'Wallabag API URL' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client ID' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client Secret' => '', + // 'Action' => '', + // 'Yes' => '', + // 'No' => '', + // 'Edit' => '', + // 'The user id required' => '', + // 'The username must be unique' => '', ); diff --git a/app/locales/fr_FR/translations.php b/app/locales/fr_FR/translations.php index b966289..ac2346c 100644 --- a/app/locales/fr_FR/translations.php +++ b/app/locales/fr_FR/translations.php @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ return array( 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your favorites articles!' => 'Il n\'y a rien de nouveau à lire, relisez vos articles favoris !', 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your previous readings!' => 'Il n\'y a rien de nouveau à lire, profitez de vos lectures précédentes !', 'Immediately' => 'Immédiatement', - '(error occurred during the last check)' => '(problème rencontré pendant la dernière vérification)', 'The feed id is required' => 'L\'identifiant du flux est obligatoire', 'The title is required' => 'Le titre est obligatoire', 'The site url is required' => 'L\'URL du site web est obligatoire', @@ -39,8 +38,6 @@ return array( 'Drag and drop this link to your bookmarks' => 'Glisser-déposer ce lien dans vos favoris', 'Download full content' => 'Télécharger le contenu complet', 'Downloading full content is slower because Miniflux grab the content from the original website. You should use that for subscriptions that display only a summary. This feature doesn\'t work with all websites.' => 'Le téléchargement complet du contenu est plus lent car Miniflux va chercher le contenu sur le site original. Vous devriez utiliser cela uniquement pour les abonnements qui affichent seulement un résumé. Cette fonctionnalité ne marche pas avec tous les sites web.', - 'No message' => 'Aucun message', - 'flush messages' => 'supprimer les messages', 'API endpoint:' => 'URL de l\'API : ', 'API username:' => 'Identifiant pour l\'API : ', 'API token:' => 'Clé pour l\'API : ', @@ -154,18 +151,6 @@ return array( '%d month ago' => 'Il y a %d mois', 'Timezone' => 'Fuseau horaire', 'Update all subscriptions' => 'Mettre à jour tous les abonnements', - 'Don\'t forget to backup your database' => 'N\'oubliez pas de sauvegarder votre base de données', - 'The name must have only alpha-numeric characters' => 'Le nom doit avoir seulement des caractères alphanumériques', - 'New database' => 'Nouvelle base de données', - 'Database name' => 'Nom de la base de données', - 'Default database' => 'Base de données par défaut', - 'Select another database' => 'Choisir une autre base de données', - 'The database name is required' => 'Le nom de la base de données est obligatoire', - 'Database created successfully.' => 'Base de données créée avec succès.', - 'Unable to create the new database.' => 'Impossible créer la nouvelle base de données.', - 'Add a new database (new user)' => 'Ajouter une nouvelle base de données (nouvel utilisateur)', - 'Create' => 'Créer', - 'Unknown' => 'Inconnu', 'Remember Me' => 'Connexion automatique', 'Display items on lists' => 'Mode d\'affichage en listes', 'Summaries' => 'Résumés', @@ -175,7 +160,6 @@ return array( 'Remove this feed' => 'Supprimer cet abonnement', 'Miniflux' => 'Miniflux', 'mini%sflux%s' => 'mini%sflux%s', - 'All' => 'Tout', 'Advanced' => 'Avancé', 'Documentation' => 'Documentation', 'Installation instructions' => 'Installation', @@ -183,14 +167,12 @@ return array( 'Cronjob' => 'Mise à jour des flux en arrière plan', 'Advanced configuration' => 'Configuration avancée', 'Full article download' => 'Téléchargement des contenus complet', - 'Multiple users' => 'Utilisateurs multiples', 'Themes' => 'Thèmes', 'Json-RPC API' => 'API Json-RPC', 'Fever API' => 'Fever', 'Translations' => 'Traductions', 'Run Miniflux with Docker' => 'Exécuter Miniflux avec Docker', 'FAQ' => 'Questions fréquentes', - 'settings' => 'préférences', 'help' => 'aide', 'api' => 'api', 'about' => 'a propos', @@ -219,16 +201,13 @@ return array( 'Download favicons' => 'Télécharger les icônes des sites web', 'general' => 'général', 'Refresh interval in minutes for unread counter' => 'Fréquence d\'actualisation en minute du compteur de non lus', - 'Nothing to show. Enable the debug mode to see log messages.' => 'Rien à montrer. Activez le mode debug pour voir les messages de log.', - 'Enable debug mode' => 'Activer le mode debug', 'Original link marks article as read' => 'Marquer les articles comme lu lors d\'un clic sur le lien original', 'Cloak the image referrer' => 'Falsifier le référent pour les images', 'This subscription already exists.' => 'Cet abonnement existe déjà.', 'Connection timeout.' => 'Délai de connexion expiré.', - 'Error occured.' => 'Une erreur est survenue.', 'Feed is malformed.' => 'Le flux XML est mal-formé.', 'Invalid SSL certificate.' => 'Le certificat SSL est invalide.', - 'Maximum number of HTTP redirections exceeded.' => 'Nombre maximal de redirections HTTP dépassé.', + 'Maximum number of HTTP redirection exceeded.' => 'Nombre maximal de redirections HTTP dépassé.', 'The content size exceeds to maximum allowed size.' => 'La taille du contenu dépasse la taille maximale autorisée.', 'Unable to detect the feed format.' => 'Impossible de détecter le format du flux.', 'add a new group' => 'ajouter un nouveau libellé', @@ -237,11 +216,39 @@ return array( 'view' => 'voir', 'Item title links to' => 'Le titre des articles redirige vers', 'Original' => 'Original', - 'Last login:' => 'Dernière connexion :', + 'Last Login' => 'Dernière Connexion', 'Search' => 'Recherche', 'There are no results for your search' => 'Il n\'y a aucun résultat pour votre recherche.', 'Send bookmarks to Wallabag' => 'Envoyer les favoris vers Wallabag', 'Wallabag username' => 'Identifiant Wallabag', 'Wallabag password' => 'Mot de passe Wallabag', 'An error occurred during the last check: "%s".' => 'Une erreur est survenue pendant la dernière vérification : « %s ».', + 'User Profile' => 'Profile Utilisateur', + 'Users' => 'Utilisateurs', + 'New User' => 'Ajouter un utilisateur', + 'New user created successfully.' => 'Utilisateur créé avec succès.', + 'Unable to create this user.' => 'Impossible de créer cet utilisateur.', + 'Edit User' => 'Modification de l\'utilisateur', + 'User modified successfully.' => 'Utilisateur modifié avec succès.', + 'Unable to edit this user.' => 'Impossible de modifier cet utilisateur.', + 'Remove User' => 'Supprimer cet utilisateur', + 'Not allowed to fetch feed.' => 'Non autorisé à récupérer le flux RSS', + 'Unable to save this subscription in the database.' => 'Impossible de sauvegarder cet abonnement dans la base de données.', + 'Titles' => 'Titres', + 'profile' => 'profile', + 'users' => 'utilisateurs', + 'Cronjob URL' => 'URL de la cronjob', + 'Do you really want to remove this user: "%s"?' => 'Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cet utilisateur : « %s » ?', + 'Administrator' => 'Administrateur', + '%e %B %Y %k:%M' => '%e %B %Y %k:%M', + 'Wallabag' => 'Wallabag', + 'Wallabag API URL' => 'URL de l\'API de Wallabag', + 'Wallabag Client ID' => 'ID client de Wallbag', + 'Wallabag Client Secret' => 'Clé secrète de Wallabag', + 'Action' => 'Action', + 'Yes' => 'Oui', + 'No' => 'Non', + 'Edit' => 'Modifier', + 'The user id required' => 'L\'ID de l\'utilisateur est obligatoire', + 'The username must be unique' => 'Le nom d\'utilisateur doit être unique', ); diff --git a/app/locales/it_IT/translations.php b/app/locales/it_IT/translations.php index dabece8..b81ca7f 100644 --- a/app/locales/it_IT/translations.php +++ b/app/locales/it_IT/translations.php @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ return array( // 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your favorites articles!' => '', // 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your previous readings!' => '', // 'Immediately' => '', - // '(error occurred during the last check)' => '', // 'The feed id is required' => '', // 'The title is required' => '', // 'The site url is required' => '', @@ -39,8 +38,6 @@ return array( // 'Drag and drop this link to your bookmarks' => '', // 'Download full content' => '', // 'Downloading full content is slower because Miniflux grab the content from the original website. You should use that for subscriptions that display only a summary. This feature doesn\'t work with all websites.' => '', - // 'No message' => '', - // 'flush messages' => '', // 'API endpoint:' => '', // 'API username:' => '', // 'API token:' => '', @@ -154,18 +151,6 @@ return array( // '%d month ago' => '', // 'Timezone' => '', // 'Update all subscriptions' => '', - // 'Don\'t forget to backup your database' => '', - // 'The name must have only alpha-numeric characters' => '', - // 'New database' => '', - // 'Database name' => '', - // 'Default database' => '', - // 'Select another database' => '', - // 'The database name is required' => '', - // 'Database created successfully.' => '', - // 'Unable to create the new database.' => '', - // 'Add a new database (new user)' => '', - // 'Create' => '', - // 'Unknown' => '', // 'Remember Me' => '', // 'Display items on lists' => '', // 'Summaries' => '', @@ -175,7 +160,6 @@ return array( // 'Remove this feed' => '', // 'Miniflux' => '', // 'mini%sflux%s' => '', - // 'All' => '', // 'Advanced' => '', // 'Documentation' => '', // 'Installation instructions' => '', @@ -183,14 +167,12 @@ return array( // 'Cronjob' => '', // 'Advanced configuration' => '', // 'Full article download' => '', - // 'Multiple users' => '', // 'Themes' => '', // 'Json-RPC API' => '', // 'Fever API' => '', // 'Translations' => '', // 'Run Miniflux with Docker' => '', // 'FAQ' => '', - // 'settings' => '', // 'help' => '', // 'api' => '', // 'about' => '', @@ -219,16 +201,13 @@ return array( // 'Download favicons' => '', // 'general' => '', // 'Refresh interval in minutes for unread counter' => '', - // 'Nothing to show. Enable the debug mode to see log messages.' => '', - // 'Enable debug mode' => '', // 'Original link marks article as read' => '', // 'Cloak the image referrer' => '', // 'This subscription already exists.' => '', // 'Connection timeout.' => '', - // 'Error occured.' => '', // 'Feed is malformed.' => '', // 'Invalid SSL certificate.' => '', - // 'Maximum number of HTTP redirections exceeded.' => '', + // 'Maximum number of HTTP redirection exceeded.' => '', // 'The content size exceeds to maximum allowed size.' => '', // 'Unable to detect the feed format.' => '', // 'add a new group' => '', @@ -237,11 +216,39 @@ return array( // 'view' => '', // 'Item title links to' => '', // 'Original' => '', - // 'Last login:' => '', + // 'Last Login' => '', // 'Search' => '', // 'There are no results for your search' => '', // 'Send bookmarks to Wallabag' => '', // 'Wallabag username' => '', // 'Wallabag password' => '', // 'An error occurred during the last check: "%s".' => '', + // 'User Profile' => '', + // 'Users' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'New user created successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Edit User' => '', + // 'User modified successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to edit this user.' => '', + // 'Remove User' => '', + // 'Not allowed to fetch feed.' => '', + // 'Unable to save this subscription in the database.' => '', + // 'Titles' => '', + // 'profile' => '', + // 'users' => '', + // 'Cronjob URL' => '', + // 'Do you really want to remove this user: "%s"?' => '', + // 'Administrator' => '', + // '%e %B %Y %k:%M' => '', + // 'Wallabag' => '', + // 'Wallabag API URL' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client ID' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client Secret' => '', + // 'Action' => '', + // 'Yes' => '', + // 'No' => '', + // 'Edit' => '', + // 'The user id required' => '', + // 'The username must be unique' => '', ); diff --git a/app/locales/ja_JP/translations.php b/app/locales/ja_JP/translations.php index 8798d6e..d0dba79 100644 --- a/app/locales/ja_JP/translations.php +++ b/app/locales/ja_JP/translations.php @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ return array( 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your favorites articles!' => '新たに読むものは何もありません。お気に入りの記事をお楽しみください。', 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your previous readings!' => '新たに読むものは何もありません。前の記事をお楽しみください。', 'Immediately' => 'すぐに', - '(error occurred during the last check)' => '(エラーが最後のチェック中に発生しました)', 'The feed id is required' => 'フィードIDが必要です', 'The title is required' => 'タイトルが必要です', 'The site url is required' => 'サイトのURLが必要です', @@ -41,8 +40,6 @@ return array( 'Drag and drop this link to your bookmarks' => 'ブックマークにこのリンクをドラッグ&ドロップ', 'Download full content' => '完全なコンテンツをダウンロード', 'Downloading full content is slower because Miniflux grab the content from the original website. You should use that for subscriptions that display only a summary. This feature doesn\'t work with all websites.' => 'Minifluxは元のウェブサイトからコンテンツを取得しているため、完全なコンテンツをダウンロードすると遅くなります。要約だけを表示するフィードのためにこの機能を使用する必要があります。この機能はすべてのWebサイトでは動作しません。', - 'No message' => 'メッセージはありません', - 'flush messages' => 'メッセージを消去', 'API endpoint:' => 'APIのエンドポイント:', 'API username:' => 'APIのユーザ名:', 'API token:' => 'APIのトークン:', @@ -156,18 +153,6 @@ return array( '%d month ago' => '%dヶ月前', 'Timezone' => 'タイムゾーン', 'Update all subscriptions' => 'すべての購読を更新', - 'Don\'t forget to backup your database' => 'データベースのバックアップを忘れないで下さい', - 'The name must have only alpha-numeric characters' => '名前には英数字のみを使用することが出来ます', - 'New database' => '新しいデータベース', - 'Database name' => 'データベースの名前', - 'Default database' => 'デフォルトのデータベース', - 'Select another database' => '別のデータベースを選択', - 'The database name is required' => 'データベース名が必要です', - 'Database created successfully.' => 'データベースが正常に作成されました。', - 'Unable to create the new database.' => '新しいデータベースを作成することができません。', - 'Add a new database (new user)' => '新しいデータベース(新規ユーザ)を追加', - 'Create' => '作成', - 'Unknown' => '未知', 'Remember Me' => '私を記憶', 'Display items on lists' => 'リストの表示アイテム', 'Summaries' => '要約', @@ -177,7 +162,6 @@ return array( 'Remove this feed' => 'このフィードを削除', 'Miniflux' => 'Miniflux', 'mini%sflux%s' => 'mini%sflux%s', - 'All' => 'すべて', 'Advanced' => '高度', 'Documentation' => 'ドキュメント', 'Installation instructions' => 'インストール手順', @@ -185,14 +169,12 @@ return array( 'Cronjob' => 'cronジョブ', 'Advanced configuration' => '高度な設定', 'Full article download' => '記事の全文をダウンロード', - 'Multiple users' => '複数のユーザー', 'Themes' => 'テーマ', 'Json-RPC API' => 'Json-RPC API', 'Fever API' => 'Fever API', 'Translations' => '翻訳', 'Run Miniflux with Docker' => 'DockerでMinifluxを実行', 'FAQ' => 'FAQ', - 'settings' => '設定', 'help' => 'ヘルプ', 'api' => 'API', 'about' => 'Minifluxについて', @@ -221,16 +203,13 @@ return array( 'Download favicons' => 'faviconをダウンロード', 'general' => '一般', 'Refresh interval in minutes for unread counter' => '未読数の更新間隔(分単位)', - 'Nothing to show. Enable the debug mode to see log messages.' => '表示するものが何もありません。ログメッセージを表示するにはデバッグモードを有効にします。', - 'Enable debug mode' => 'デバッグモードを有効化', 'Original link marks article as read' => 'オリジナルリンクをクリックすると記事を既読にする', 'Cloak the image referrer' => '画像のリファラを偽装', 'This subscription already exists.' => 'この購読は既に存在します。', 'Connection timeout.' => 'コネクションタイムアウトが発生しました。', - 'Error occured.' => 'エラーが発生しました。', 'Feed is malformed.' => 'フィードのフォーマットが正しくありません。', 'Invalid SSL certificate.' => '無効なSSL証明書。', - 'Maximum number of HTTP redirections exceeded.' => 'HTTPリダイレクトの最大数を超えました。', + // 'Maximum number of HTTP redirection exceeded.' => '', 'The content size exceeds to maximum allowed size.' => 'コンテンツサイズが最大許容サイズに超えています。', 'Unable to detect the feed format.' => 'フィードのフォーマットを検出することができません。', 'add a new group' => '新しいグループを追加', @@ -239,11 +218,39 @@ return array( 'view' => '表示', 'Item title links to' => 'アイテムのタイトルのリンク先', 'Original' => '元のページ', - // 'Last login:' => '', + // 'Last Login' => '', // 'Search' => '', // 'There are no results for your search' => '', // 'Send bookmarks to Wallabag' => '', // 'Wallabag username' => '', // 'Wallabag password' => '', // 'An error occurred during the last check: "%s".' => '', + // 'User Profile' => '', + // 'Users' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'New user created successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Edit User' => '', + // 'User modified successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to edit this user.' => '', + // 'Remove User' => '', + // 'Not allowed to fetch feed.' => '', + // 'Unable to save this subscription in the database.' => '', + // 'Titles' => '', + // 'profile' => '', + // 'users' => '', + // 'Cronjob URL' => '', + // 'Do you really want to remove this user: "%s"?' => '', + // 'Administrator' => '', + // '%e %B %Y %k:%M' => '', + // 'Wallabag' => '', + // 'Wallabag API URL' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client ID' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client Secret' => '', + // 'Action' => '', + // 'Yes' => '', + // 'No' => '', + // 'Edit' => '', + // 'The user id required' => '', + // 'The username must be unique' => '', ); diff --git a/app/locales/pt_BR/translations.php b/app/locales/pt_BR/translations.php index 4e48fe2..b9f6dc6 100644 --- a/app/locales/pt_BR/translations.php +++ b/app/locales/pt_BR/translations.php @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ return array( 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your favorites articles!' => 'Não há nada de novo para ler, desfrute de seus artigos favoritos!', 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your previous readings!' => 'Não há nada de novo para ler, desfrute de suas leituras anteriores!', 'Immediately' => 'Imediatamente', - '(error occurred during the last check)' => '(erro ocorreu durante a última checagem)', 'The feed id is required' => 'O id do feed é obrigatório', 'The title is required' => 'O título é obrigatório', 'The site url is required' => 'A url do site é obrigatória', @@ -39,8 +38,6 @@ return array( 'Drag and drop this link to your bookmarks' => 'Arraste e solte este link para seus bookmarks', 'Download full content' => 'Download contéudo completo', 'Downloading full content is slower because Miniflux grab the content from the original website. You should use that for subscriptions that display only a summary. This feature doesn\'t work with all websites.' => 'Fazer Download do conteúdo completo é lento pois o Miniflux pega o conteúdo do site original. Você deve utilizar este recurso para assinaturas que mostram apenas o resumo. Este recurso não funciona com todos os sites.', - 'No message' => 'Sem mensagem', - 'flush messages' => 'descarregar mensagens', // 'API endpoint:' => '', 'API username:' => 'usuário da API:', 'API token:' => 'token da API:', @@ -154,18 +151,6 @@ return array( '%d month ago' => array('%d mês atrás', '%d meses atrás'), 'Timezone' => 'Fuso horário', 'Update all subscriptions' => 'Atualizar todas as assinaturas', - 'Don\'t forget to backup your database' => 'Não esqueça de fazer backup de seu banco de dados', - 'The name must have only alpha-numeric characters' => 'O nome deve conter apenas caracteres alfa-numéricos', - 'New database' => 'Novo banco de dados', - 'Database name' => 'Nome do banco de dados', - 'Default database' => 'Banco de dados padrão', - 'Select another database' => 'Selecione outro banco de dados', - 'The database name is required' => 'O nome do banco de dados é obrigatório', - 'Database created successfully.' => 'Banco de dados criado com sucesso.', - 'Unable to create the new database.' => 'Incapaz de criar o novo banco de dados.', - 'Add a new database (new user)' => 'Adicionar um novo banco de dados (novo usuário)', - 'Create' => 'Criar', - 'Unknown' => 'Desconhecido', 'Remember Me' => 'Lembrar-me', 'Display items on lists' => 'Mostrar itens nas listas', 'Summaries' => 'Resumos', @@ -175,7 +160,6 @@ return array( 'Remove this feed' => 'Remover este feed', 'Miniflux' => 'Miniflux', 'mini%sflux%s' => 'mini%sflux%s', - 'All' => 'Todos', 'Advanced' => 'Avançado', 'Documentation' => 'Documentação', 'Installation instructions' => 'Instruções de instalação', @@ -183,14 +167,12 @@ return array( 'Cronjob' => 'Tarefa agendada', 'Advanced configuration' => 'Configurações avançadas', 'Full article download' => 'Matéria completa para download', - 'Multiple users' => 'Multiplos usuários', 'Themes' => 'Temas', 'Json-RPC API' => 'API do Json-RPC', 'Fever API' => 'API do Fever', 'Translations' => 'Traduções', 'Run Miniflux with Docker' => 'Executar Miniflux com Docker', 'FAQ' => 'FAQ', - 'settings' => 'configurações', 'help' => 'ajuda', 'api' => 'api', 'about' => 'sobre', @@ -219,16 +201,13 @@ return array( 'Download favicons' => 'Download favicon', // 'general' => '', // 'Refresh interval in minutes for unread counter' => '', - // 'Nothing to show. Enable the debug mode to see log messages.' => '', - // 'Enable debug mode' => '', // 'Original link marks article as read' => '', // 'Cloak the image referrer' => '', // 'This subscription already exists.' => '', // 'Connection timeout.' => '', - // 'Error occured.' => '', // 'Feed is malformed.' => '', // 'Invalid SSL certificate.' => '', - // 'Maximum number of HTTP redirections exceeded.' => '', + // 'Maximum number of HTTP redirection exceeded.' => '', // 'The content size exceeds to maximum allowed size.' => '', // 'Unable to detect the feed format.' => '', // 'add a new group' => '', @@ -237,11 +216,39 @@ return array( // 'view' => '', // 'Item title links to' => '', // 'Original' => '', - // 'Last login:' => '', + // 'Last Login' => '', // 'Search' => '', // 'There are no results for your search' => '', // 'Send bookmarks to Wallabag' => '', // 'Wallabag username' => '', // 'Wallabag password' => '', // 'An error occurred during the last check: "%s".' => '', + // 'User Profile' => '', + // 'Users' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'New user created successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Edit User' => '', + // 'User modified successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to edit this user.' => '', + // 'Remove User' => '', + // 'Not allowed to fetch feed.' => '', + // 'Unable to save this subscription in the database.' => '', + // 'Titles' => '', + // 'profile' => '', + // 'users' => '', + // 'Cronjob URL' => '', + // 'Do you really want to remove this user: "%s"?' => '', + // 'Administrator' => '', + // '%e %B %Y %k:%M' => '', + // 'Wallabag' => '', + // 'Wallabag API URL' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client ID' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client Secret' => '', + // 'Action' => '', + // 'Yes' => '', + // 'No' => '', + // 'Edit' => '', + // 'The user id required' => '', + // 'The username must be unique' => '', ); diff --git a/app/locales/ru_RU/translations.php b/app/locales/ru_RU/translations.php index 9d1ea5e..caa8997 100644 --- a/app/locales/ru_RU/translations.php +++ b/app/locales/ru_RU/translations.php @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ return array( 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your favorites articles!' => 'Ничего нового пока нет, наслаждайтесь чтением ваших избранных статей!', 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your previous readings!' => 'Ничего нового пока нет, наслаждайтесь чтением ранее прочитанного!', 'Immediately' => 'Сразу', - '(error occurred during the last check)' => '(во время последней проверки произошла ошибка)', 'The feed id is required' => 'Требуется идентификатор канала', 'The title is required' => 'Требуется заголовок', 'The site url is required' => 'Требуется адрес сайта', @@ -39,8 +38,6 @@ return array( 'Drag and drop this link to your bookmarks' => 'Перетащите эту ссылку в свои закладки', 'Download full content' => 'Загружать весь контент', 'Downloading full content is slower because Miniflux grab the content from the original website. You should use that for subscriptions that display only a summary. This feature doesn\'t work with all websites.' => 'Загрузка всего контента замедляет работу, потому что Miniflux извлекает контент из страницы оригинала. Лучше это использовать для подписок, которые отображают только аннотации. Эта функция работает не со всеми сайтами.', - 'No message' => 'Сообщений нет', - 'flush messages' => 'очистить лог', 'API endpoint:' => 'Конечная точка (endpoint): ', 'API username:' => 'Имя пользователя: ', 'API token:' => 'Токен: ', @@ -154,18 +151,6 @@ return array( '%d month ago' => array('%d месяц назад', '%d месяца назад', '%d месяцев назад'), 'Timezone' => 'Временная зона', 'Update all subscriptions' => 'Обновить все подписки', - 'Don\'t forget to backup your database' => 'Не забудьте предварительно сделать резервную копию базы данных', - 'The name must have only alpha-numeric characters' => 'Название должно состоять только из алфавитно-цифровых символов', - 'New database' => 'Новая база данных', - 'Database name' => 'Имя базы данных', - 'Default database' => 'База данных по-умолчанию', - 'Select another database' => 'Выберите базу данных', - 'The database name is required' => 'Требуется имя базы данных', - 'Database created successfully.' => 'База данных успешно создана.', - 'Unable to create the new database.' => 'Невозможно создать новую базу данных.', - 'Add a new database (new user)' => 'Добавить новую базу данных (нового пользователя)', - 'Create' => 'Создать', - 'Unknown' => 'Inconnu', 'Remember Me' => 'Запомнить меня', 'Display items on lists' => 'Показывать в режиме списка', 'Summaries' => 'Сокращенный текст', @@ -175,7 +160,6 @@ return array( 'Remove this feed' => 'Удалить подписку', 'Miniflux' => 'Miniflux', 'mini%sflux%s' => 'mini%sflux%s', - 'All' => 'Tout', 'Advanced' => 'Дополнительно', 'Documentation' => 'Документация', 'Installation instructions' => 'Установка', @@ -183,14 +167,12 @@ return array( 'Cronjob' => 'Планировщик задач', 'Advanced configuration' => 'Расширенные настройки', 'Full article download' => 'Полная загрузка статьи', - 'Multiple users' => 'Несколько пользователей', 'Themes' => 'Темы оформления', 'Json-RPC API' => 'Json-RPC API', 'Fever API' => 'Fever API', 'Translations' => 'Переводы', 'Run Miniflux with Docker' => 'Запуск Miniflux в Docker', 'FAQ' => 'FAQ', - 'settings' => 'настройки', 'help' => 'помощь', 'api' => 'api', 'about' => 'о программе', @@ -219,16 +201,13 @@ return array( 'Download favicons' => 'Скачивать иконки сайтов', 'general' => 'общие', 'Refresh interval in minutes for unread counter' => 'Интервал обновления счетчика непрочитанных статей в минутах', - 'Nothing to show. Enable the debug mode to see log messages.' => 'Пока ничего нет. Включите отладочный режим, чтобы увидеть сообщения.', - 'Enable debug mode' => 'Включить отладочный режим', 'Original link marks article as read' => 'При переходе на оригинал отмечать статью как прочитанную', 'Cloak the image referrer' => 'Проксировать загрузку изображений', 'This subscription already exists.' => 'Эта подписка уже существует.', 'Connection timeout.' => 'Время соединения истекло.', - 'Error occured.' => 'Возникла ошибка.', 'Feed is malformed.' => 'Некорректный канал', 'Invalid SSL certificate.' => 'Неверный SSL сертификат.', - 'Maximum number of HTTP redirections exceeded.' => 'Превышено максимальное количество HTTP редиректов.', + // 'Maximum number of HTTP redirection exceeded.' => '', 'The content size exceeds to maximum allowed size.' => 'Превышен максимально допустимый размер контента', 'Unable to detect the feed format.' => 'Невозможно определить формат канала.', 'add a new group' => 'добавить новую группу', @@ -237,11 +216,39 @@ return array( 'view' => 'смотреть', 'Item title links to' => 'Заголовок статьи ведет на', 'Original' => 'Оригинал', - 'Last login:' => 'Последний вход:', + // 'Last Login' => '', 'Search' => 'Поиск', 'There are no results for your search' => 'По вашему запросу ничего не нашлось', 'Send bookmarks to Wallabag' => 'Отправлять закладки в Wallabag', 'Wallabag username' => 'Имя пользователя Wallabag', 'Wallabag password' => 'Пароль Wallabag', // 'An error occurred during the last check: "%s".' => '', + // 'User Profile' => '', + // 'Users' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'New user created successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Edit User' => '', + // 'User modified successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to edit this user.' => '', + // 'Remove User' => '', + // 'Not allowed to fetch feed.' => '', + // 'Unable to save this subscription in the database.' => '', + // 'Titles' => '', + // 'profile' => '', + // 'users' => '', + // 'Cronjob URL' => '', + // 'Do you really want to remove this user: "%s"?' => '', + // 'Administrator' => '', + // '%e %B %Y %k:%M' => '', + // 'Wallabag' => '', + // 'Wallabag API URL' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client ID' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client Secret' => '', + // 'Action' => '', + // 'Yes' => '', + // 'No' => '', + // 'Edit' => '', + // 'The user id required' => '', + // 'The username must be unique' => '', ); diff --git a/app/locales/sr_RS/translations.php b/app/locales/sr_RS/translations.php index 7c181ed..f28b035 100644 --- a/app/locales/sr_RS/translations.php +++ b/app/locales/sr_RS/translations.php @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ return array( 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your favorites articles!' => 'Нема ничег новог за читање, уживајте у омиљеним чланцима !', // 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your previous readings!' => '', 'Immediately' => 'Одмах', - '(error occurred during the last check)' => '(дошло је до грешке током претходне провере)', 'The feed id is required' => 'Потребан је идентификациони код feed-a', 'The title is required' => 'Потребан је наслов', // 'The site url is required' => '', @@ -39,8 +38,6 @@ return array( 'Drag and drop this link to your bookmarks' => 'Превуците ову везу омиљене сајтове вашег интернет прегледача', 'Download full content' => 'Скини пун садржај', 'Downloading full content is slower because Miniflux grab the content from the original website. You should use that for subscriptions that display only a summary. This feature doesn\'t work with all websites.' => 'Скидање пуног садржаја је спорије зато што Минифлукс мора да преузме садржај са самог сајта. Ову опцију бисте требали користити за сајтове који приказују само сижеа. Опција не ради на свим сајтовима', - 'No message' => 'Нема поруке', - 'flush messages' => 'исчисти све поруке', 'API endpoint:' => 'УРЛ АПИ-ja : ', 'API username:' => 'Корисничко име за АПИ: ', 'API token:' => 'Кључ за АПИ : ', @@ -154,18 +151,6 @@ return array( '%d month ago' => array('Пре %d месец', 'Пре %d месеца', 'Пре %d месеци'), 'Timezone' => 'Временска зона', 'Update all subscriptions' => 'Ажурирај све претплате', - 'Don\'t forget to backup your database' => 'Не заборавите да бекапујете базу података', - 'The name must have only alpha-numeric characters' => 'Име може садржати само бројеве или слова', - 'New database' => 'Нова база података', - 'Database name' => 'Име базе података', - 'Default database' => 'Подразумевана база података', - 'Select another database' => 'Изабери другу базу података', - 'The database name is required' => 'Име базе података је обавезно', - 'Database created successfully.' => 'База података је успешно створена.', - 'Unable to create the new database.' => 'Неуспешно стварање нове базе података.', - 'Add a new database (new user)' => 'Додај нову базу података (нов/а корисник/ца)', - 'Create' => 'Створи', - 'Unknown' => 'Непознато', 'Remember Me' => 'Запамти ме', 'Display items on lists' => 'Прикажи чланке као списак', 'Summaries' => 'Сижеа', @@ -175,7 +160,6 @@ return array( 'Remove this feed' => 'Уклони ову претплату', 'Miniflux' => 'Минифлукс', 'mini%sflux%s' => 'мини%sфлукс%s', - 'All' => 'Све', 'Advanced' => 'Напредне опције', 'Documentation' => 'Документација', 'Installation instructions' => 'Упутство за инсталацију', @@ -183,14 +167,12 @@ return array( 'Cronjob' => 'Ажурирај претплате аутоматски користећи cron', 'Advanced configuration' => 'Напредна подешавања', 'Full article download' => 'Скидање пуног садржаја чланака', - 'Multiple users' => 'Више корисника/ца', 'Themes' => 'Теме', 'Json-RPC API' => 'АПИ Json-RPC', 'Fever API' => 'Fever', 'Translations' => 'Преводи', 'Run Miniflux with Docker' => 'Користи Минифлукс кроз Docker', 'FAQ' => 'ЧПП (Често постављана питања)', - 'settings' => 'опције', 'help' => 'помоћ', 'api' => 'апи', 'about' => 'о програму', @@ -219,16 +201,13 @@ return array( 'Download favicons' => 'Скидај иконице веб сајтова', 'general' => 'опште', 'Refresh interval in minutes for unread counter' => 'Број минута после којих се освежава бројач непрочитаних ставки', - 'Nothing to show. Enable the debug mode to see log messages.' => 'Овде нема ничег. Активирајте мод за дебаговање да бисте видели поруке дневника.', - 'Enable debug mode' => 'Активирај мод за дебаговање', 'Original link marks article as read' => 'Клик на оригиналну везу обележава чланак прочитаним', 'Cloak the image referrer' => 'Прикривај рефератора слика', // 'This subscription already exists.' => '', // 'Connection timeout.' => '', - // 'Error occured.' => '', // 'Feed is malformed.' => '', // 'Invalid SSL certificate.' => '', - // 'Maximum number of HTTP redirections exceeded.' => '', + // 'Maximum number of HTTP redirection exceeded.' => '', // 'The content size exceeds to maximum allowed size.' => '', // 'Unable to detect the feed format.' => '', // 'add a new group' => '', @@ -237,11 +216,39 @@ return array( // 'view' => '', // 'Item title links to' => '', // 'Original' => '', - // 'Last login:' => '', + // 'Last Login' => '', // 'Search' => '', // 'There are no results for your search' => '', // 'Send bookmarks to Wallabag' => '', // 'Wallabag username' => '', // 'Wallabag password' => '', // 'An error occurred during the last check: "%s".' => '', + // 'User Profile' => '', + // 'Users' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'New user created successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Edit User' => '', + // 'User modified successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to edit this user.' => '', + // 'Remove User' => '', + // 'Not allowed to fetch feed.' => '', + // 'Unable to save this subscription in the database.' => '', + // 'Titles' => '', + // 'profile' => '', + // 'users' => '', + // 'Cronjob URL' => '', + // 'Do you really want to remove this user: "%s"?' => '', + // 'Administrator' => '', + // '%e %B %Y %k:%M' => '', + // 'Wallabag' => '', + // 'Wallabag API URL' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client ID' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client Secret' => '', + // 'Action' => '', + // 'Yes' => '', + // 'No' => '', + // 'Edit' => '', + // 'The user id required' => '', + // 'The username must be unique' => '', ); diff --git a/app/locales/sr_RS@latin/translations.php b/app/locales/sr_RS@latin/translations.php index f3fc089..d7601ae 100644 --- a/app/locales/sr_RS@latin/translations.php +++ b/app/locales/sr_RS@latin/translations.php @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ return array( 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your favorites articles!' => 'Nema ničeg novog za čitanje, uživajte u omiljenim člancima !', // 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your previous readings!' => '', 'Immediately' => 'Odmah', - '(error occurred during the last check)' => '(došlo je do greške tokom prethodne provere)', 'The feed id is required' => 'Potreban je identifikacioni kod feed-a', 'The title is required' => 'Potreban je naslov', // 'The site url is required' => '', @@ -39,8 +38,6 @@ return array( 'Drag and drop this link to your bookmarks' => 'Prevucite ovu vezu omiljene sajtove vašeg internet pregledača', 'Download full content' => 'Skini pun sadržaj', 'Downloading full content is slower because Miniflux grab the content from the original website. You should use that for subscriptions that display only a summary. This feature doesn\'t work with all websites.' => 'Skidanje punog sadržaja je sporije zato što Miniflux mora da preuzme sadržaj sa samog sajta. Ovu opciju biste trebali koristiti za sajtove koji prikazuju samo sižea. Opcija ne radi na svim sajtovima', - 'No message' => 'Nema poruke', - 'flush messages' => 'isčisti sve poruke', 'API endpoint:' => 'URL API-ja : ', 'API username:' => 'Korisničko ime za API: ', 'API token:' => 'Ključ za API : ', @@ -154,18 +151,6 @@ return array( '%d month ago' => array('Pre %d mesec', 'Pre %d meseca', 'Pre %d meseci'), 'Timezone' => 'Vremenska zona', 'Update all subscriptions' => 'Ažuriraj sve pretplate', - 'Don\'t forget to backup your database' => 'Ne zaboravite da bekapujete bazu podataka', - 'The name must have only alpha-numeric characters' => 'Ime može sadržati samo brojeve ili slova', - 'New database' => 'Nova baza podataka', - 'Database name' => 'Ime baze podataka', - 'Default database' => 'Podrazumevana baza podataka', - 'Select another database' => 'Izaberi drugu bazu podataka', - 'The database name is required' => 'Ime baze podataka je obavezno', - 'Database created successfully.' => 'Baza podataka je uspešno stvorena.', - 'Unable to create the new database.' => 'Neuspešno stvaranje nove baze podataka.', - 'Add a new database (new user)' => 'Dodaj novu bazu podataka (nov/a korisnik/ca)', - 'Create' => 'Stvori', - 'Unknown' => 'Nepoznato', 'Remember Me' => 'Zapamti me', 'Display items on lists' => 'Prikaži članke kao spisak', 'Summaries' => 'Sižea', @@ -175,7 +160,6 @@ return array( 'Remove this feed' => 'Ukloni ovu pretplatu', 'Miniflux' => 'Miniflux', 'mini%sflux%s' => 'mini%sflux%s', - 'All' => 'Sve', 'Advanced' => 'Napredne opcije', 'Documentation' => 'Dokumentacija', 'Installation instructions' => 'Uputstvo za instalaciju', @@ -183,14 +167,12 @@ return array( 'Cronjob' => 'Ažuriraj pretplate automatski koristeći cron', 'Advanced configuration' => 'Napredna podešavanja', 'Full article download' => 'Skidanje punog sadržaja članaka', - 'Multiple users' => 'Više korisnika/ca', 'Themes' => 'Teme', 'Json-RPC API' => 'API Json-RPC', 'Fever API' => 'Fever', 'Translations' => 'Prevodi', 'Run Miniflux with Docker' => 'Koristi Miniflux kroz Docker', 'FAQ' => 'ČPP (Često postavljana pitanja)', - 'settings' => 'opcije', 'help' => 'pomoć', 'api' => 'api', 'about' => 'o programu', @@ -219,16 +201,13 @@ return array( 'Download favicons' => 'Skidaj ikonice veb sajtova', 'general' => 'opšte', 'Refresh interval in minutes for unread counter' => 'Broj minuta posle kojih se osvežava brojač nepročitanih stavki', - 'Nothing to show. Enable the debug mode to see log messages.' => 'Ovde nema ničeg. Aktivirajte mod za debagovanje da biste videli poruke dnevnika.', - 'Enable debug mode' => 'Aktiviraj mod za debagovanje', 'Original link marks article as read' => 'Klik na originalnu vezu obeležava članak pročitanim', 'Cloak the image referrer' => 'Prikrivaj referatora slika', // 'This subscription already exists.' => '', // 'Connection timeout.' => '', - // 'Error occured.' => '', // 'Feed is malformed.' => '', // 'Invalid SSL certificate.' => '', - // 'Maximum number of HTTP redirections exceeded.' => '', + // 'Maximum number of HTTP redirection exceeded.' => '', // 'The content size exceeds to maximum allowed size.' => '', // 'Unable to detect the feed format.' => '', // 'add a new group' => '', @@ -237,11 +216,39 @@ return array( // 'view' => '', // 'Item title links to' => '', // 'Original' => '', - // 'Last login:' => '', + // 'Last Login' => '', // 'Search' => '', // 'There are no results for your search' => '', // 'Send bookmarks to Wallabag' => '', // 'Wallabag username' => '', // 'Wallabag password' => '', // 'An error occurred during the last check: "%s".' => '', + // 'User Profile' => '', + // 'Users' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'New user created successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Edit User' => '', + // 'User modified successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to edit this user.' => '', + // 'Remove User' => '', + // 'Not allowed to fetch feed.' => '', + // 'Unable to save this subscription in the database.' => '', + // 'Titles' => '', + // 'profile' => '', + // 'users' => '', + // 'Cronjob URL' => '', + // 'Do you really want to remove this user: "%s"?' => '', + // 'Administrator' => '', + // '%e %B %Y %k:%M' => '', + // 'Wallabag' => '', + // 'Wallabag API URL' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client ID' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client Secret' => '', + // 'Action' => '', + // 'Yes' => '', + // 'No' => '', + // 'Edit' => '', + // 'The user id required' => '', + // 'The username must be unique' => '', ); diff --git a/app/locales/tr_TR/translations.php b/app/locales/tr_TR/translations.php index 5bec522..ad95797 100644 --- a/app/locales/tr_TR/translations.php +++ b/app/locales/tr_TR/translations.php @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ return array( 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your favorites articles!' => 'Okunacak yeni bir şey olmadığında, favori yazılarının keyfini çıkar!', 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your previous readings!' => 'Okunacak yeni bir şey olmadığında, önceki okumalarının keyfini çıkar!', 'Immediately' => 'Hemen', - '(error occurred during the last check)' => '(problème rencontré pendant la dernière vérification)', 'The feed id is required' => 'Akış kimliği gerekli', 'The title is required' => 'Başlık gerekli', 'The site url is required' => 'İnternet site bağlantısı gerekli', @@ -39,8 +38,6 @@ return array( 'Drag and drop this link to your bookmarks' => 'Yer imlerinizi buraya sürükleyip bırakın', 'Download full content' => 'Tüm içeriği indir', 'Downloading full content is slower because Miniflux grab the content from the original website. You should use that for subscriptions that display only a summary. This feature doesn\'t work with all websites.' => 'Tüm içeriği indirmek Miniflux\'ın içerikleri orijinal internet sitesinden getirmesini yavaşlatabilir. Bu özellik her internet sitesinde çalışmayabilir.', - 'No message' => 'Herhangi bir mesaj yok', - 'flush messages' => 'mesajları temizle', 'API endpoint:' => 'API bitiş noktası:', 'API username:' => 'API kullanıcı adı:', 'API token:' => 'API belirteci:', @@ -154,18 +151,6 @@ return array( '%d month ago' => '%d ay önce', 'Timezone' => 'Zaman dilimi', 'Update all subscriptions' => 'Tüm abonelikleri güncelle', - 'Don\'t forget to backup your database' => 'Veritabanınızı yedeklemeyi unutmayın', - 'The name must have only alpha-numeric characters' => 'İsim yalnızca alfanümerik karakterler içermeli', - 'New database' => 'Yeni veritabanı', - 'Database name' => 'Veritabanı adı', - 'Default database' => 'Varsayılan veritabanı', - 'Select another database' => 'Farklı bir veritabanı seç', - 'The database name is required' => 'Veritabanı adı gerekli', - 'Database created successfully.' => 'Veritabanı başarıyla oluşturuldu.', - 'Unable to create the new database.' => 'Yeni veritabanı oluşturulamıyor.', - 'Add a new database (new user)' => 'Yeni bir veritabanı ekle (yeni kullanıcı)', - 'Create' => 'Oluştur', - 'Unknown' => 'Bilinmeyen', 'Remember Me' => 'Beni hatırla', 'Display items on lists' => 'Listelerde öğe görüntüleme modu', 'Summaries' => 'Özet', @@ -175,7 +160,6 @@ return array( 'Remove this feed' => 'Bu akışı kaldır', 'Miniflux' => 'Miniflux', 'mini%sflux%s' => 'mini%sflux%s', - 'All' => 'Hepsi', 'Advanced' => 'Gelişmiş', 'Documentation' => 'Dokümantasyon', 'Installation instructions' => 'Kurulum talimatları', @@ -183,14 +167,12 @@ return array( 'Cronjob' => 'Zamanlanmış görevler', 'Advanced configuration' => 'Gelişmiş yapılandırma', 'Full article download' => 'Yazının tamamını indirme', - 'Multiple users' => 'Çoklu kullanıcı', 'Themes' => 'Temalar', 'Json-RPC API' => 'Json-RPC API', 'Fever API' => 'Fever API', 'Translations' => 'Çeviriler', 'Run Miniflux with Docker' => 'Miniflux\'u Docker ile çalıştırmak', 'FAQ' => 'S.S.S.', - 'settings' => 'tercihler', 'help' => 'yardım', 'api' => 'api', 'about' => 'hakkında', @@ -219,16 +201,13 @@ return array( 'Download favicons' => 'İnternet sitesi ikonlarını (favicon) indir', 'general' => 'genel', 'Refresh interval in minutes for unread counter' => 'Okunmayanlar için dakika cinsinden yenileme aralığı', - 'Nothing to show. Enable the debug mode to see log messages.' => 'Gösterilecek bir şey yok. Hata ayıklama modunu aktifleştirerek hata mesajlarını görebilirsin.', - 'Enable debug mode' => 'Hata ayıklama modunu etkinleştir', 'Original link marks article as read' => 'Yazı okunduğunda, orijinal bağlantıyı işaretle', 'Cloak the image referrer' => 'Resimler için vekil sunucuyu (proxy) aktifleştir', 'This subscription already exists.' => 'Bu abonelik zaten var.', 'Connection timeout.' => 'Bağlantı zaman aşımına uğradı.', - 'Error occured.' => 'Hata oluştu.', 'Feed is malformed.' => 'Akış içeriği bozuk.', 'Invalid SSL certificate.' => 'SSL sertifika hatası.', - 'Maximum number of HTTP redirections exceeded.' => 'Maksimum HTTP yönlendirme limiti aşıldı.', + // 'Maximum number of HTTP redirection exceeded.' => '', 'The content size exceeds to maximum allowed size.' => 'İçerik boyutu izin verilen maksimum boyutu aşıyor.', 'Unable to detect the feed format.' => 'Akış biçimi algılanamadı.', 'add a new group' => 'yeni bir grup ekle', @@ -237,11 +216,39 @@ return array( 'view' => 'görüntüle', 'Item title links to' => 'Öğe başlığıyla ilişkili bağlantılar', 'Original' => 'Orijinal', - 'Last login:' => 'En son sisteme giriş zamanı:', + // 'Last Login' => '', // 'Search' => '', // 'There are no results for your search' => '', // 'Send bookmarks to Wallabag' => '', // 'Wallabag username' => '', // 'Wallabag password' => '', // 'An error occurred during the last check: "%s".' => '', + // 'User Profile' => '', + // 'Users' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'New user created successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Edit User' => '', + // 'User modified successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to edit this user.' => '', + // 'Remove User' => '', + // 'Not allowed to fetch feed.' => '', + // 'Unable to save this subscription in the database.' => '', + // 'Titles' => '', + // 'profile' => '', + // 'users' => '', + // 'Cronjob URL' => '', + // 'Do you really want to remove this user: "%s"?' => '', + // 'Administrator' => '', + // '%e %B %Y %k:%M' => '', + // 'Wallabag' => '', + // 'Wallabag API URL' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client ID' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client Secret' => '', + // 'Action' => '', + // 'Yes' => '', + // 'No' => '', + // 'Edit' => '', + // 'The user id required' => '', + // 'The username must be unique' => '', ); diff --git a/app/locales/zh_CN/translations.php b/app/locales/zh_CN/translations.php index 2f1ea63..39dceeb 100644 --- a/app/locales/zh_CN/translations.php +++ b/app/locales/zh_CN/translations.php @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ return array( 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your favorites articles!' => '现在没有新文章,享受你最喜欢的文章吧!', 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your previous readings!' => '现在没有新文章,享受你之前的文章吧!', 'Immediately' => '立即', - '(error occurred during the last check)' => '(最近一次检查中发生了错误)', 'The feed id is required' => 'feed id必填', 'The title is required' => '标题必填', 'The site url is required' => '网站URL必填', @@ -39,8 +38,6 @@ return array( 'Drag and drop this link to your bookmarks' => '拖拽这个链接到你的书签栏', 'Download full content' => '全文下载', 'Downloading full content is slower because Miniflux grab the content from the original website. You should use that for subscriptions that display only a summary. This feature doesn\'t work with all websites.' => '全文下载会比较慢,这是因为Miniflux需要从原始网站抓取内容。仅当订阅只显示摘要时,才建议启用该项。此外这项功能并不是对所有网站都有效。', - 'No message' => '没有消息', - 'flush messages' => '清空日志', 'API endpoint:' => 'API endpoint:', 'API username:' => 'API用户名:', 'API token:' => 'API token:', @@ -154,18 +151,6 @@ return array( '%d month ago' => '%d月前', 'Timezone' => '时区', 'Update all subscriptions' => '更新所有的订阅', - 'Don\'t forget to backup your database' => '不要忘记备份你的数据库', - 'The name must have only alpha-numeric characters' => '名字只能包含字母和数字', - 'New database' => '新数据库', - 'Database name' => '数据库名', - 'Default database' => '默认数据库', - 'Select another database' => '选择另一个数据库', - 'The database name is required' => '数据库名称必填', - 'Database created successfully.' => '数据库成功创建', - 'Unable to create the new database.' => '无法创建新数据库', - 'Add a new database (new user)' => '添加新数据库(新用户)', - 'Create' => '创建', - 'Unknown' => '未知', 'Remember Me' => '记住我', 'Display items on lists' => '在列表上显示条目', 'Summaries' => '摘要', @@ -175,7 +160,6 @@ return array( 'Remove this feed' => '移出这个订阅源', 'Miniflux' => 'Miniflux', 'mini%sflux%s' => 'mini%sflux%s', - 'All' => '所有', 'Advanced' => '高级', 'Documentation' => '文档', 'Installation instructions' => '安装指南', @@ -183,14 +167,12 @@ return array( 'Cronjob' => 'Cronjob', 'Advanced configuration' => '高级设置', 'Full article download' => '下载完整文章', - 'Multiple users' => '多用户', 'Themes' => '主题', 'Json-RPC API' => 'Json-RPC API', 'Fever API' => 'Fever API', 'Translations' => '翻译', 'Run Miniflux with Docker' => '用Docker运行Miniflux', 'FAQ' => '常见问题', - 'settings' => '设置', 'help' => '帮助', 'api' => '接口', 'about' => '关于', @@ -219,16 +201,13 @@ return array( 'Download favicons' => '下载站标', 'general' => '通用', 'Refresh interval in minutes for unread counter' => '未读计数刷新间隔时间(分钟)', - 'Nothing to show. Enable the debug mode to see log messages.' => '没有可以显示的,开启调试模式以便查看日志', - 'Enable debug mode' => '开启调试模式', 'Original link marks article as read' => '点击来源链接时,标记已读', 'Cloak the image referrer' => '掩盖图片来源', 'This subscription already exists.' => '该订阅已经存在。 ', 'Connection timeout.' => '连接超时。', - 'Error occured.' => '发生了错误。', 'Feed is malformed.' => '订阅格式有误', 'Invalid SSL certificate.' => 'SSL错误', - 'Maximum number of HTTP redirections exceeded.' => '重定向次数过多', + // 'Maximum number of HTTP redirection exceeded.' => '', 'The content size exceeds to maximum allowed size.' => '文件过大', 'Unable to detect the feed format.' => '无法确定订阅格式', 'add a new group' => '添加一个新分组', @@ -237,11 +216,39 @@ return array( 'view' => '查看', 'Item title links to' => '标题链接到', 'Original' => '原始的', - 'Last login:' => '最近登录', + // 'Last Login' => '', 'Search' => '搜索', 'There are no results for your search' => '没有搜索结果', 'Send bookmarks to Wallabag' => '把书签发送到Wallabag', 'Wallabag username' => 'Wallabag用户名', 'Wallabag password' => 'Wallabag密码', // 'An error occurred during the last check: "%s".' => '', + // 'User Profile' => '', + // 'Users' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'New user created successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Edit User' => '', + // 'User modified successfully.' => '', + // 'Unable to edit this user.' => '', + // 'Remove User' => '', + // 'Not allowed to fetch feed.' => '', + // 'Unable to save this subscription in the database.' => '', + // 'Titles' => '', + // 'profile' => '', + // 'users' => '', + // 'Cronjob URL' => '', + // 'Do you really want to remove this user: "%s"?' => '', + // 'Administrator' => '', + // '%e %B %Y %k:%M' => '', + // 'Wallabag' => '', + // 'Wallabag API URL' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client ID' => '', + // 'Wallabag Client Secret' => '', + // 'Action' => '', + // 'Yes' => '', + // 'No' => '', + // 'Edit' => '', + // 'The user id required' => '', + // 'The username must be unique' => '', ); diff --git a/app/templates/services.php b/app/templates/services.php index 7765654..84059a3 100644 --- a/app/templates/services.php +++ b/app/templates/services.php @@ -47,13 +47,13 @@

- +
- +
- +
diff --git a/scripts/find-locales.php b/scripts/find-locales.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..817cfee --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/find-locales.php @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ + '',".PHP_EOL; + } +} + +function compare(array $strings) +{ + $reference_file = __DIR__.'/../app/locales/'.REF_LOCALE.'/translations.php'; + $reference = include($reference_file); + + echo str_repeat('#', 70).PHP_EOL; + echo 'MISSING STRINGS'.PHP_EOL; + echo str_repeat('#', 70).PHP_EOL; + show(array_diff($strings, array_keys($reference))); + + echo str_repeat('#', 70).PHP_EOL; + echo 'USELESS STRINGS'.PHP_EOL; + echo str_repeat('#', 70).PHP_EOL; + show(array_diff(array_keys($reference), $strings)); +} + +function search($filename) +{ + $content = file_get_contents($filename); + $strings = array(); + + if (preg_match_all('/\b[tne]\((\'\K.*?\') *[\)\,]/', $content, $matches) && isset($matches[1])) { + $strings = $matches[1]; + } + + if (preg_match_all('/\btne\((\'\K.*?\') *[\)\,]/', $content, $matches) && isset($matches[1])) { + $strings = array_merge($strings, $matches[1]); + } + + if (preg_match_all('/\bdt\((\'\K.*?\') *[\)\,]/', $content, $matches) && isset($matches[1])) { + $strings = array_merge($strings, $matches[1]); + } + + array_walk($strings, function (&$value) { + $value = trim($value, "'"); + $value = str_replace("\'", "'", $value); + }); + + return $strings; +} + +function execute() +{ + $strings = array(); + $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('app')); + $it->rewind(); + + while ($it->valid()) { + if (! $it->isDot() && substr($it->key(), -4) === '.php') { + $strings = array_merge($strings, search($it->key())); + } + + $it->next(); + } + + compare(array_unique($strings)); +} + +execute(); diff --git a/scripts/find-strings.sh b/scripts/find-strings.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 60ee7d7..0000000 --- a/scripts/find-strings.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash - -REF_LANG=${1:-fr_FR} - -### -APP_DIR=`dirname $0`/../app -LANG_FILE=$APP_DIR/locales/$REF_LANG/translations.php -TMPFILE=`mktemp` - -# find all strings used with t() or e() and write them to a temp buffer -find $APP_DIR -name '*.php' -print | xargs -n 1 cat | grep -oP -e "\b(t|tne)\((\"\K.*?\"|\'\K.*?\') *[\)\,]" | sed -e "s/'[),]$//" -e 's/\\/\\\\/g' | sort | uniq > $TMPFILE - -echo "Missing strings from $REF_LANG: (if none printed, none missing)" -while read LINE -do - grep -F "'$LINE'" $LANG_FILE > /dev/null - if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then - echo " '$LINE' => ''," - fi -done < $TMPFILE - -# delete the work file -rm $TMPFILE diff --git a/scripts/sync-locales.php b/scripts/sync-locales.php old mode 100755 new mode 100644 index ea6cccd..a461bb0 --- a/scripts/sync-locales.php +++ b/scripts/sync-locales.php @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env php $v) { + $this->assertNotEmpty($v, 'Empty value for the key "'.$k.'" in translation '.basename($file)); + + foreach (array('%s', '%d') as $placeholder) { + $this->assertEquals( + substr_count($k, $placeholder), + substr_count($v, $placeholder), + 'Incorrect number of ' . $placeholder . ' in ' . basename($file) .' translation of: ' . $k + ); + } + } + } + } +}