Beside other stuff the main reason for this change is the circumstance
that Firefox triggers the "Toggle RTL mode" shortcut if the user press
F11 to switch Firefox into the fullscreen mode.
Each browser sends keycodes that are used by different other keys on
the keyboard for the function keys. Firefox is the only browser which
sends the onkeypress event for the function keys.
The used keyboard event properties event.keyCode and event.which are
already marked as deprecated and has been removed from the Web standards.
The "DOM Level 3 Events" standard specifies event.key as their successor.
Right now event.key is only available for Firefox 29+ and Internet
Explorer 9+. Webkit based browser have support for the former specified
The implementation of event.keyIdentifier isn't the same across
different webkit based browsers and buggy:
- the value for the z key is F11 (Chrome - Windows, Linux)
- the value for the F11 key is F11 as well on (Chrome - Windows, Linux)
- the value for latin keys is always the value of the capital letter (Chrome)
- the value for cyrillic keys depends on the shift modifier (Chrome)
- the value for the keypress event is always an empty string (Safari - Mac OS)
- the value for the keydown event matches the keyboard layout dependent character (Safari - Mac OS)
- the value for the keydown event does NOT matches the keyboard layout dependent character (Chrome - Windows, Linux)
Instead of workaround the problems, the event.which is used for every
browser that doesn't support event.key.
The redirect to the unread page after a manual refresh only, if new
items could be fetched and we where redirected to the subscriptions
page because of a former nothing_to_read.
Update the unread counter after refreshing either one feed or all feeds.
Redirect to unread if nothing_to_read is set, but unread items exists.
This could be the situation with the remember me function, when new items
are fetched while the browser was closed.