function($n) { return ($n != 1); }, // 'attachment' => '', // 'When there is nothing to read, redirect me to this page' => '', // 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your favorites articles!' => '', // 'There is nothing new to read, enjoy your previous readings!' => '', // 'Immediately' => '', // 'The feed id is required' => '', // 'The title is required' => '', // 'The site url is required' => '', // 'The feed url is required' => '', 'or' => 'o', // 'edit' => '', 'cancel' => 'annulla', // 'Feed URL' => '', // 'Website URL' => '', // 'Title' => '', // 'Edit subscription' => '', // 'Unable to edit your subscription.' => '', // 'Your subscription has been updated.' => '', // 'Older items first' => '', // 'Most recent first' => '', // 'Default sorting order for items' => '', // 'This subscription is empty, %sgo back to unread items%s' => '', // 'sort by date %s(%s)%s' => '', // 'most recent first' => '', // 'older first' => '', // 'Show only this subscription' => '', // 'Go to unread' => '', // 'Go to bookmarks' => '', // 'Go to history' => '', // 'Go to subscriptions' => '', // 'Go to preferences' => '', // 'Bookmarklet' => '', // 'Subscribe with Miniflux' => '', // 'Drag and drop this link to your bookmarks' => '', // 'Download full content' => '', // 'Downloading full content is slower because Miniflux grab the content from the original website. You should use that for subscriptions that display only a summary. This feature doesn\'t work with all websites.' => '', // 'API endpoint:' => '', // 'API username:' => '', // 'API token:' => '', // 'Generate new tokens' => '', // 'Bookmark RSS Feed' => '', // 'updated just now' => '', // 'checked at' => '', // 'never updated after creation' => '', // 'Subscription disabled' => '', // 'content downloaded' => '', // 'in progress...' => '', // 'unable to fetch content' => '', // 'Download content' => '', // 'download content' => '', 'Help' => 'Aiuto', 'Theme' => 'Tema', 'Items per page' => 'Articoli per pagina', 'Previous page' => 'Pagina precedente', 'Next page' => 'Pagina successiva', 'Do not fetch the content of articles' => 'Non scaricare il contenuto degli articoli', 'Remove automatically read items' => 'Cancella automaticamente articoli già letti', 'Never' => 'Mai', 'After %d day' => array('Dopo %d giorno', 'Dopo %d giorni'), 'unread' => 'non letti', 'Unread' => 'Non letti', 'bookmark' => 'bookmark', 'remove bookmark' => 'cancella bookmark', 'bookmarks' => 'bookmark', 'Bookmarks' => 'Bookmark', 'Bookmark item' => 'Aggiungi ai bookmark', 'No bookmark' => 'Nessun bookmark', 'history' => 'cronologia', 'subscriptions' => 'sottoscrizioni', 'Subscriptions' => 'Sottoscrizioni', 'preferences' => 'preferenze', 'Preferences' => 'Preferenze', 'logout' => 'esci', 'Username' => 'Utente', 'Password' => 'Password', 'Confirmation' => 'Conferma', 'Language' => 'Lingua', 'Save' => 'Salva', 'Database size:' => 'Dimensione database:', 'Optimize the database' => 'Ottimizza il database', '(VACUUM command)' => '(comando VACUUM)', 'Download the entire database' => 'Scarica l\'intero database', '(Gzip compressed Sqlite file)' => '(Comprimi il file Sqlite con Gzip)', 'Keyboard shortcuts' => 'Scorciatoie da tastiera', 'Previous item' => 'Articolo precedente', 'Next item' => 'Articolo successivo', 'Mark as read or unread' => 'Segna come già letto o non letto', 'Open original link' => 'Apri link originale', 'Open item' => 'Apri articolo', 'About' => 'Informazioni sul software', 'Miniflux version:' => 'Versione Miniflux:', 'Nothing to read' => 'Niente da leggere', 'mark all as read' => 'segna tutti come già letti', 'original link' => 'link originale', 'mark as read' => 'segna come già letto', 'No history' => 'Nessuna cronologia', 'mark as unread' => 'segna come non letto', 'History' => 'Cronologia', 'flush all items' => 'cancella tutti gli articoli', 'Item not found' => 'Articolo non trovato', 'Next' => 'Successivo', 'Previous' => 'Precedente', 'Sign in' => 'Accedi', 'feeds' => 'feed', 'add' => 'aggiungi', 'import' => 'importa', 'export' => 'esporta', 'OPML Import' => 'Importa OPML', 'OPML file' => 'file OPML', 'Import' => 'Importa', 'refresh all' => 'aggiorna tutti', 'No subscription' => 'Nessuna sottoscrizione', 'remove' => 'cancella', 'Remove' => 'Cancella', 'refresh' => 'aggiorna', 'New subscription' => 'Nuova sottoscrizione', 'Website or Feed URL' => 'Sito web o URL del feed', 'Add' => 'Aggiungi', 'http://website/' => 'http://sitoweb/', 'Official website:' => 'Sito ufficiale:', 'Bad username or password' => 'Utente o password errati', 'Unable to update your preferences.' => 'Impossibile aggiornare le preferenze.', 'Your preferences are updated.' => 'Preferenze aggiornate.', 'Unable to import your OPML file.' => 'Impossibile importare il file OPML.', 'Your feeds have been imported.' => 'I tuoi feed sono stati importati.', 'Unable to find a subscription.' => 'Impossibile effettuare sottoscrizione.', 'Subscription added successfully.' => 'Sottoscrizione effettuata con successo.', 'Your subscriptions are updated' => 'Sottoscrizioni aggiornate.', 'Unable to remove this subscription.' => 'Impossibile rimuovere questa sottoscrizione.', 'This subscription has been removed successfully.' => 'Sottoscrizione rimossa con successo.', 'The user name is required' => 'Il nome utente è obbligatorio.', 'The maximum length is 50 characters' => 'La lunghezza massima è di 50 caratteri.', 'The password is required' => 'La password è obbligatoria.', 'The minimum length is 6 characters' => 'La lunghezza minima è di 6 caratteri.', 'The confirmation is required' => 'La conferma è obbligatoria.', 'Passwords don\'t match' => 'Le password non coincidono', 'Do you really want to remove these items from your history?' => 'Vuoi veramente cancellare questi articoli dalla cronologia?', 'Do you really want to remove this subscription: "%s"?' => 'Vuoi veramente cancellare la sottoscrizione a: "%s" ?', 'Nothing to read, do you want to %supdate your subscriptions%s?' => 'Niente da leggere, vuoi %saggiornare tutte le sottoscrizioni%s?', 'Show help' => 'Mostra guida', 'Close help' => 'Chiudi guida', // '%d second ago' => '', // '%d minute ago' => '', // '%d hour ago' => '', // '%d day ago' => '', // '%d week ago' => '', // '%d month ago' => '', // 'Timezone' => '', // 'Update all subscriptions' => '', // 'Remember Me' => '', // 'Display items on lists' => '', // 'Summaries' => '', // 'Full contents' => '', // 'Force RTL mode (Right-to-left language)' => '', // 'Activated' => '', // 'Remove this feed' => '', // 'Miniflux' => '', // 'mini%sflux%s' => '', // 'Advanced' => '', // 'Documentation' => '', // 'Installation instructions' => '', // 'Upgrade to a new version' => '', // 'Cronjob' => '', // 'Advanced configuration' => '', // 'Full article download' => '', // 'Themes' => '', // 'Json-RPC API' => '', // 'Fever API' => '', // 'Translations' => '', // 'Run Miniflux with Docker' => '', // 'FAQ' => '', // 'help' => '', // 'api' => '', // 'about' => '', // 'database' => '', // 'Miniflux API' => '', // 'menu' => '', // 'Default' => '', // 'Value required' => '', // 'Must be an integer' => '', // 'Remove automatically unread items' => '', // 'Toggle RTL mode' => '', // 'external services' => '', // 'Send bookmarks to Pinboard' => '', // 'Pinboard API token' => '', // 'Pinboard tags' => '', // 'Instapaper username' => '', // 'Instapaper password' => '', // 'Instapaper' => '', // 'Pinboard' => '', // 'Send bookmarks to Instapaper' => '', // 'Authentication' => '', // 'Reading' => '', // 'Application' => '', // 'Enable image proxy' => '', // 'Avoid mixed content warnings with HTTPS' => '', // 'Download favicons' => '', // 'general' => '', // 'Refresh interval in minutes for unread counter' => '', // 'Original link marks article as read' => '', // 'Cloak the image referrer' => '', // 'This subscription already exists.' => '', // 'Connection timeout.' => '', // 'Feed is malformed.' => '', // 'Invalid SSL certificate.' => '', // 'Maximum number of HTTP redirection exceeded.' => '', // 'The content size exceeds to maximum allowed size.' => '', // 'Unable to detect the feed format.' => '', // 'add a new group' => '', // 'Groups' => '', // 'Back to the group' => '', // 'view' => '', // 'Item title links to' => '', // 'Original' => '', // 'Last Login' => '', // 'Search' => '', // 'There are no results for your search' => '', // 'Send bookmarks to Wallabag' => '', // 'Wallabag username' => '', // 'Wallabag password' => '', // 'An error occurred during the last check: "%s".' => '', // 'User Profile' => '', // 'Users' => '', // 'New User' => '', // 'New user created successfully.' => '', // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', // 'Edit User' => '', // 'User modified successfully.' => '', // 'Unable to edit this user.' => '', // 'Remove User' => '', // 'Not allowed to fetch feed.' => '', // 'Unable to save this subscription in the database.' => '', // 'Titles' => '', // 'profile' => '', // 'users' => '', // 'Cronjob URL' => '', // 'Do you really want to remove this user: "%s"?' => '', // 'Administrator' => '', // '%e %B %Y %k:%M' => '', // 'Wallabag' => '', // 'Wallabag URL' => '', // 'Wallabag Client ID' => '', // 'Wallabag Client Secret' => '', // 'Action' => '', // 'Yes' => '', // 'No' => '', // 'Edit' => '', // 'The user id required' => '', // 'The username must be unique' => '', // 'Current Password' => '', // 'New Password' => '', // 'Wrong password' => '', // 'Duplicated feed' => '', // 'This group has been removed successfully.' => '', // 'Unable to remove this group.' => '', // 'Edit group' => '', // 'Group updated successfully.' => '', // 'Unable to edit this group.' => '', // 'groups' => '', // 'There is no group.' => '', // 'Do you really want to remove this group: "%s"?' => '', // 'This field is required' => '', // 'This value must be an integer' => '', // 'This text is too long (max. %d)' => '', // 'Mark all unread items as read' => '', // 'Do not redirect me' => '', // 'Last checked: ' => '', // 'Last modified: ' => '', // 'Expiration date: ' => '', // 'ETag: ' => '', // 'None' => '', // 'Last parsing error: ' => '', );