Configuration parameters ======================== How do I override application variables? ---------------------------------------- There are few settings that can't be changed by the user interface. These parameters are defined with PHP constants. To override them, rename the file `config.default.php` to `config.php`. Actually, the following constants can be overrided: default value is 20 seconds (Maximum time to fetch a feed) define('HTTP_TIMEOUT', '20'); // DATA_DIRECTORY => default is data (writable directory) define('DATA_DIRECTORY', 'data'); // DB_FILENAME => default value is db.sqlite (default database filename) define('DB_FILENAME', 'db.sqlite'); // ENABLE_MULTIPLE_DB => default value is true (multiple users support) define('ENABLE_MULTIPLE_DB', true); // DEBUG => default is true (enable logging of PicoFeed) define('DEBUG', true); // DEBUG_FILENAME => default is data/debug.log define('DEBUG_FILENAME', DATA_DIRECTORY.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'debug.log'); // THEME_DIRECTORY => default is themes define('THEME_DIRECTORY', 'themes'); // SESSION_SAVE_PATH => default is empty (used to store session files in a custom directory) define('SESSION_SAVE_PATH', ''); // PROXY_HOSTNAME => default is empty (make HTTP requests through a HTTP proxy if set) define('PROXY_HOSTNAME', ''); // PROXY_PORT => default is 3128 (default port of Squid) define('PROXY_PORT', 3128); // PROXY_USERNAME => default is empty (set the proxy username is needed) define('PROXY_USERNAME', ''); // PROXY_PASSWORD => default is empty define('PROXY_PASSWORD', ''); // ENABLE_AUTO_UPDATE => default is true (enable Miniflux update from the user interface) define('ENABLE_AUTO_UPDATE', true); How to override/extends the content filtering blacklist/whitelist? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Miniflux use [PicoFeed]( to parse the content of each item. These variables are public static arrays, extends the actual array or replace it. **Be careful, you can break everything by doing that!!!** Put your modifications in your custom `config.php` like described above. By example to add a new iframe whitelist: \PicoFeed\Filter::$iframe_whitelist[] = ''; Or to replace the entire whitelist: \PicoFeed\Filter::$iframe_whitelist = array(''); Available variables: // Allow only specified tags and attributes \PicoFeed\Filter::$whitelist_tags // Strip content of these tags \PicoFeed\Filter::$blacklist_tags // Allow only specified URI scheme \PicoFeed\Filter::$whitelist_scheme // List of attributes used for external resources: src and href \PicoFeed\Filter::$media_attributes // Blacklist of external resources \PicoFeed\Filter::$media_blacklist // Required attributes for tags, if the attribute is missing the tag is dropped \PicoFeed\Filter::$required_attributes // Add attribute to specified tags \PicoFeed\Filter::$add_attributes // Attributes that must be integer \PicoFeed\Filter::$integer_attributes // Iframe allowed source \PicoFeed\Filter::$iframe_whitelist For more details, have a look to the file `vendor/PicoFeed/Filter.php`.