Version 1.2.1 (Jan 18 2017) --------------------------- New Features: * Mysql support * Offer the possibility to define different URL for themes folder Improvements: * Improve Xpath query for favicons * Handle the fact that a user can be removed but have feeds in queue (worker) * Do not download items each time for feeds with content scraper enabled * Background jobs are not loading user settings properly * Allow producer to be executed only for a given user * Always use real URL instead XML feed URL * Move autoflush calls * Display list of groups for each subscription * Disable automatically duplicated feeds * Increase url field size for Postgres * Left swiping also mark item as read on mobile * Make import script compatible with Postgresql * Allow different limits for users in cronjob * Update to PicoFeed v0.1.31 * Update Czech translations * Update zh_CN translations * Update ru_RU translations Bug fixes: * Marking special group "Unread" as read through Fever API does not work Version 1.2.0 (Jan 5 2017) -------------------------- * Major change to the database structure to have a single database for multiple users * Web access token for the cronjob * New config parameter to disable web access for the cronjob * Debug mode parameter is moved to the config file * The console web page have been removed * Remove automatic software update from the user interface * New API methods (not backward compatible) * Fever API tokens are longer than before * Always update feed URL to avoid useless redirection for futures requests * Add support for Wallabag service * Show last parsing error message in user interface * Disable automatically a feed after too many failures * Add support for Expires and Cache-Control headers (HTTP cache) * Flush all user remember me sessions when changing password * Update Docker image to Ubuntu 16.04 and PHP 7.0 * Add Docker compose file * Add functional tests (Json-RPC API and Fever API) * Add unit tests * Minify Javascript and add automated syntax check on the CI * Minify CSS Migration procedure from 1.1.x to 1.2.0: To import your old database to the new database format, use this script: php scripts/migrate-db.php --sqlite-db=/path/to/my/db.sqlite --admin=1 The script is located in the Git repository (not in the archive). Previous versions ----------------- See commit history or news posted on the website.