Model\Feed\get($id), 'errors' => array(), 'nb_unread_items' => Model\Item\count_by_status('unread'), 'menu' => 'feeds', 'title' => t('Edit subscription') ))); }); // Submit edit feed form Router\post_action('edit-feed', function() { $values = Request\values(); list($valid, $errors) = Model\Feed\validate_modification($values); if ($valid) { if (Model\Feed\update($values)) { Session\flash(t('Your subscription has been updated.')); } else { Session\flash_error(t('Unable to edit your subscription.')); } Response\redirect('?action=feeds'); } Response\html(Template\layout('edit_feed', array( 'values' => $values, 'errors' => $errors, 'nb_unread_items' => Model\Item\count_by_status('unread'), 'menu' => 'feeds', 'title' => t('Edit subscription') ))); }); // Confirmation box to remove a feed Router\get_action('confirm-remove-feed', function() { $id = Request\int_param('feed_id'); Response\html(Template\layout('confirm_remove_feed', array( 'feed' => Model\Feed\get($id), 'nb_unread_items' => Model\Item\count_by_status('unread'), 'menu' => 'feeds', 'title' => t('Confirmation') ))); }); // Remove a feed Router\get_action('remove-feed', function() { $id = Request\int_param('feed_id'); if ($id && Model\Feed\remove($id)) { Session\flash(t('This subscription has been removed successfully.')); } else { Session\flash_error(t('Unable to remove this subscription.')); } Response\redirect('?action=feeds'); }); // Refresh one feed and redirect to unread items Router\get_action('refresh-feed', function() { $feed_id = Request\int_param('feed_id'); $redirect = Request\param('redirect', 'unread'); Model\Feed\refresh($feed_id); Response\redirect('?action='.$redirect.'&feed_id='.$feed_id); }); // Ajax call to refresh one feed Router\post_action('refresh-feed', function() { $feed_id = Request\int_param('feed_id', 0); Response\json(array( 'feed_id' => $feed_id, 'result' => Model\Feed\refresh($feed_id), 'items_count' => Model\Feed\count_items($feed_id), )); }); // Display all feeds Router\get_action('feeds', function() { if (! Request\int_param('disable_empty_feeds_check')) { $empty_feeds = Model\Feed\get_all_empty(); if (! empty($empty_feeds)) { $listing = array(); foreach ($empty_feeds as &$feed) { $listing[] = '"'.$feed['title'].'"'; } $message = t( 'There are %d empty feeds, there is maybe an error: %s...', count($empty_feeds), implode(', ', array_slice($listing, 0, 5)) ); Session\flash_error($message); } } Response\html(Template\layout('feeds', array( 'favicons' => Model\Feed\get_all_favicons(), 'feeds' => Model\Feed\get_all_item_counts(), 'nothing_to_read' => Request\int_param('nothing_to_read'), 'nb_unread_items' => Model\Item\count_by_status('unread'), 'menu' => 'feeds', 'title' => t('Subscriptions') ))); }); // Display form to add one feed Router\get_action('add', function() { Response\html(Template\layout('add', array( 'values' => array( 'csrf' => Model\Config\generate_csrf(), ), 'errors' => array(), 'nb_unread_items' => Model\Item\count_by_status('unread'), 'menu' => 'feeds', 'title' => t('New subscription') ))); }); // Add a feed with the form or directly from the url, it can be used by a bookmarklet by example Router\action('subscribe', function() { if (Request\is_post()) { $values = Request\values(); Model\Config\check_csrf_values($values); $url = isset($values['url']) ? $values['url'] : ''; } else { $values = array(); $url = Request\param('url'); $token = Request\param('token'); if ($token !== Model\Config\get('bookmarklet_token')) { Response\text('Access Forbidden', 403); } } $values += array('download_content' => 0, 'rtl' => 0); $url = trim($url); $feed_id = Model\Feed\create($url, $values['download_content'], $values['rtl']); if ($feed_id) { Session\flash(t('Subscription added successfully.')); Response\redirect('?action=feed-items&feed_id='.$feed_id); } else { Session\flash_error(t('Unable to find a subscription.')); } Response\html(Template\layout('add', array( 'values' => array( 'url' => $url, 'csrf' => Model\Config\generate_csrf(), ), 'nb_unread_items' => Model\Item\count_by_status('unread'), 'menu' => 'feeds', 'title' => t('Subscriptions') ))); }); // OPML export Router\get_action('export', function() { Response\force_download('feeds.opml'); Response\xml(Model\Feed\export_opml()); }); // OPML import form Router\get_action('import', function() { Response\html(Template\layout('import', array( 'errors' => array(), 'nb_unread_items' => Model\Item\count_by_status('unread'), 'menu' => 'feeds', 'title' => t('OPML Import') ))); }); // OPML importation Router\post_action('import', function() { if (Model\Feed\import_opml(Request\file_content('file'))) { Session\flash(t('Your feeds have been imported.')); Response\redirect('?action=feeds&disable_empty_feeds_check=1'); } else { Session\flash_error(t('Unable to import your OPML file.')); Response\redirect('?action=import'); } });