table('feeds') ->eq('id', $values['id']) ->save(array( 'title' => $values['title'], 'site_url' => $values['site_url'], 'feed_url' => $values['feed_url'] )); } // Export all feeds function export_opml() { $opml = new \PicoFeed\Export(get_all()); return $opml->execute(); } // Import OPML file function import_opml($content) { $import = new \PicoFeed\Import($content); $feeds = $import->execute(); if ($feeds) { $db = Database::get('db'); $db->startTransaction(); foreach ($feeds as $feed) { if (! $db->table('feeds')->eq('feed_url', $feed->feed_url)->count()) { $db->table('feeds')->save(array( 'title' => $feed->title, 'site_url' => $feed->site_url, 'feed_url' => $feed->feed_url )); } } $db->closeTransaction(); \Model\Config\write_debug(); return true; } \Model\Config\write_debug(); return false; } // Add a new feed from an URL function create($url, $grabber = false) { $reader = new \PicoFeed\Reader; $resource = $reader->download($url, '', '', HTTP_TIMEOUT, \Model\Config\HTTP_USERAGENT); $parser = $reader->getParser(); if ($parser !== false) { $parser->grabber = $grabber; $feed = $parser->execute(); if ($feed === false) { \Model\Config\write_debug(); return false; } if (! $feed->url) $feed->url = $reader->getUrl(); if (! $feed->title) { \Model\Config\write_debug(); return false; } $db = Database::get('db'); if (! $db->table('feeds')->eq('feed_url', $reader->getUrl())->count()) { // Etag and LastModified are added the next update $rs = $db->table('feeds')->save(array( 'title' => $feed->title, 'site_url' => $feed->url, 'feed_url' => $reader->getUrl(), 'download_content' => $grabber ? 1 : 0 )); if ($rs) { $feed_id = $db->getConnection()->getLastId(); \Model\Item\update_all($feed_id, $feed->items, $grabber); \Model\Config\write_debug(); return (int) $feed_id; } } } \Model\Config\write_debug(); return false; } // Refresh all feeds function refresh_all($limit = LIMIT_ALL) { $feeds_id = get_ids($limit); foreach ($feeds_id as $feed_id) { refresh($feed_id); } // Auto-vacuum for people using the cronjob Database::get('db')->getConnection()->exec('VACUUM'); return true; } // Refresh one feed function refresh($feed_id) { $feed = get($feed_id); if (empty($feed)) return false; $reader = new \PicoFeed\Reader; $resource = $reader->download( $feed['feed_url'], $feed['last_modified'], $feed['etag'], HTTP_TIMEOUT, \Model\Config\HTTP_USERAGENT ); // Update the `last_checked` column each time, HTTP cache or not update_last_checked($feed_id); if (! $resource->isModified()) { update_parsing_error($feed_id, 0); \Model\Config\write_debug(); return get_feed_unread_counts($feed_id); } $parser = $reader->getParser(); if ($parser !== false) { if ($feed['download_content']) { // Don't fetch previous items, only new one $parser->grabber_ignore_urls = Database::get('db') ->table('items') ->eq('feed_id', $feed_id) ->findAllByColumn('url'); $parser->grabber = true; $parser->grabber_timeout = HTTP_TIMEOUT; $parser->grabber_user_agent = \Model\Config\HTTP_FAKE_USERAGENT; } $result = $parser->execute(); if ($result !== false) { update_parsing_error($feed_id, 0); update_cache($feed_id, $resource->getLastModified(), $resource->getEtag()); \Model\Item\update_all($feed_id, $result->items, $parser->grabber); \Model\Config\write_debug(); return get_feed_unread_counts($feed_id); } } update_parsing_error($feed_id, 1); \Model\Config\write_debug(); return false; } // Get the list of feeds ID to refresh function get_ids($limit = LIMIT_ALL) { $table_feeds = Database::get('db')->table('feeds') ->eq('enabled', 1) ->asc('last_checked'); if ($limit !== LIMIT_ALL) { $table_feeds->limit((int) $limit); } return $table_feeds->listing('id', 'id'); } // Get feeds with no item function get_all_empty() { $feeds = Database::get('db') ->table('feeds') ->columns('', 'feeds.title', 'COUNT( AS nb_items') ->join('items', 'feed_id', 'id') ->isNull('feeds.last_checked') ->groupBy('') ->findAll(); foreach ($feeds as $key => &$feed) { if ($feed['nb_items'] > 0) { unset($feeds[$key]); } } return $feeds; } // Get all feeds function get_all() { return Database::get('db') ->table('feeds') ->asc('title') ->findAll(); } // Returns item unread and total counts, indexed by feed_id // setting $feed_id returns counts for just that feed function get_feed_unread_counts($feed_id = 0) { $query = Database::get('db') ->table('items') ->columns('feed_id', 'status', 'count(status) AS item_count') ->in('status', array('read', 'unread')) ->groupBy('feed_id', 'status'); if ($feed_id) $query->eq('feed_id', $feed_id); $rq = $query->findAll(); $itemcnts = array(); foreach($rq as $rec) { if (!array_key_exists($rec['feed_id'], $itemcnts)) $itemcnts[$rec['feed_id']] = array('items_unread' => 0, 'items_total' => 0); if ($rec['status'] == 'unread') $itemcnts[$rec['feed_id']]['items_unread'] = $rec['item_count']; $itemcnts[$rec['feed_id']]['items_total'] += $rec['item_count']; } if ($feed_id) // return the counts for the singe feed requested if(! array_key_exists($feed_id, $itemcnts)) return array('items_unread' => 0, 'items_total' => 0); else return $itemcnts[$feed_id]; else // return the counts for all feeds return $itemcnts; } // Get all feeds with counts of items_unread and items_total for each feed function get_all_w_counts() { // get unread and total item counts by feed id $cnts = get_feed_unread_counts(); // get all feeds $rq = get_all(); // for loop re-processes return array by appending items_unread and items_total fields foreach ($rq as $rec_no => $rec) { // determine if there are item counts for this feed if (array_key_exists($rec['id'], $cnts)) { // yes, append unread and total counts to the feed record $rq[$rec_no] = array_merge($rec, $cnts[$rec['id']]); } else { // no this is an empty feed, so append unread and total counts = 0 $rq[$rec_no] = array_merge($rec, array('items_unread' => 0, 'items_total' => 0)); } } return $rq; } // Get one feed function get($feed_id) { return Database::get('db') ->table('feeds') ->eq('id', $feed_id) ->findOne(); } // Update parsing error column function update_parsing_error($feed_id, $value) { Database::get('db')->table('feeds')->eq('id', $feed_id)->save(array('parsing_error' => $value)); } // Update last check date function update_last_checked($feed_id) { Database::get('db') ->table('feeds') ->eq('id', $feed_id) ->save(array( 'last_checked' => time() )); } // Update Etag and last Modified columns function update_cache($feed_id, $last_modified, $etag) { Database::get('db') ->table('feeds') ->eq('id', $feed_id) ->save(array( 'last_modified' => $last_modified, 'etag' => $etag )); } // Remove one feed function remove($feed_id) { // Items are removed by a sql constraint return Database::get('db')->table('feeds')->eq('id', $feed_id)->remove(); } // Remove all feeds function remove_all() { return Database::get('db')->table('feeds')->remove(); } // Enable a feed (activate refresh) function enable($feed_id) { return Database::get('db')->table('feeds')->eq('id', $feed_id)->save((array('enabled' => 1))); } // Disable feed function disable($feed_id) { return Database::get('db')->table('feeds')->eq('id', $feed_id)->save((array('enabled' => 0))); } // Enable content download function enable_grabber($feed_id) { return Database::get('db')->table('feeds')->eq('id', $feed_id)->save((array('download_content' => 1))); } // Disable content download function disable_grabber($feed_id) { return Database::get('db')->table('feeds')->eq('id', $feed_id)->save((array('download_content' => 0))); } // Validation for edit function validate_modification(array $values) { $v = new Validator($values, array( new Validators\Required('id', t('The feed id is required')), new Validators\Required('title', t('The title is required')), new Validators\Required('site_url', t('The site url is required')), new Validators\Required('feed_url', t('The feed url is required')), )); $result = $v->execute(); $errors = $v->getErrors(); return array( $result, $errors ); }