discover($url, $last_modified, $etag); if ($resource->isModified()) { $parser = $reader->getParser( $resource->getUrl(), $resource->getContent(), $resource->getEncoding() ); if ($download_content) { $parser->enableContentGrabber(); } $feed = $parser->execute(); } } catch (PicoFeed\Client\InvalidCertificateException $e) { $error_message = t('Invalid SSL certificate.'); } catch (PicoFeed\Client\InvalidUrlException $e) { $error_message = $e->getMessage(); } catch (PicoFeed\Client\MaxRedirectException $e) { $error_message = t('Maximum number of HTTP redirection exceeded.'); } catch (PicoFeed\Client\MaxSizeException $e) { $error_message = t('The content size exceeds to maximum allowed size.'); } catch (PicoFeed\Client\TimeoutException $e) { $error_message = t('Connection timeout.'); } catch (PicoFeed\Client\ForbiddenException $e) { $error_message = t('Not allowed to fetch feed.'); } catch (PicoFeed\Client\UnauthorizedException $e) { $error_message = t('Not allowed to fetch feed.'); } catch (PicoFeed\Parser\MalformedXmlException $e) { $error_message = t('Feed is malformed.'); } catch (PicoFeed\Reader\SubscriptionNotFoundException $e) { $error_message = t('Unable to find a subscription.'); } catch (PicoFeed\Reader\UnsupportedFeedFormatException $e) { $error_message = t('Unable to detect the feed format.'); } catch (PicoFeed\PicoFeedException $e) { $error_message = $e->getMessage(); } return array($feed, $resource, $error_message); } function create_feed($user_id, $url, $download_content = false, $rtl = false, $cloak_referrer = false, array $feed_group_ids = array(), $group_name = null) { $feed_id = null; $url = trim($url); list($feed, $resource, $error_message) = fetch_feed($url, $download_content); if ($feed !== null) { $feed_id = Model\Feed\create( $user_id, $feed, $resource->getEtag(), $resource->getLastModified(), $resource->getExpiration()->getTimestamp(), $rtl, $download_content, $cloak_referrer ); if ($feed_id === -1) { $error_message = t('This subscription already exists.'); } else if ($feed_id === false) { $error_message = t('Unable to save this subscription in the database.'); } else { fetch_favicon($feed_id, $feed->getSiteUrl(), $feed->getIcon()); if (! empty($feed_group_ids) || ! empty($group_name)) { Model\Group\update_feed_groups($user_id, $feed_id, $feed_group_ids, $group_name); } } } return array($feed_id, $error_message); } function update_feed($user_id, $feed_id) { $subscription = Model\Feed\get_feed($user_id, $feed_id); list($feed, $resource, $error_message) = fetch_feed( $subscription['feed_url'], (bool) $subscription['download_content'], $subscription['etag'], $subscription['last_modified'] ); if (! empty($error_message)) { $error_count = $subscription['parsing_error'] + 1; Model\Feed\update_feed($user_id, $feed_id, array( 'last_checked' => time(), 'parsing_error' => $error_count, 'parsing_error_message' => $error_message, 'enabled' => $error_count > SUBSCRIPTION_DISABLE_THRESHOLD_ERROR ? 0 : 1, )); return false; } else { Model\Feed\update_feed($user_id, $feed_id, array( 'feed_url' => $resource->getUrl(), 'etag' => $resource->getEtag(), 'last_modified' => $resource->getLastModified(), 'last_checked' => time(), 'expiration' => $resource->getExpiration()->getTimestamp(), 'parsing_error' => 0, 'parsing_error_message' => '', )); } if ($feed !== null) { Model\Item\update_feed_items($user_id, $feed_id, $feed->getItems(), $subscription['rtl']); fetch_favicon($feed_id, $feed->getSiteUrl(), $feed->getIcon()); } return true; } function update_feeds($user_id, $limit = null) { foreach (Model\Feed\get_feed_ids_to_refresh($user_id, $limit) as $feed_id) { update_feed($user_id, $feed_id); } } function fetch_favicon($feed_id, $site_url, $icon_link) { if (Helper\bool_config('favicons') && ! Model\Favicon\has_favicon($feed_id)) { $favicon = new Favicon(); if ($favicon->find($site_url, $icon_link)) { Model\Favicon\create_feed_favicon($feed_id, $favicon->getType(), $favicon->getContent()); } } } function get_reader_config() { $config = new ReaderConfig; $config->setTimezone(Helper\config('timezone')); // Client $config->setClientTimeout(HTTP_TIMEOUT); $config->setClientUserAgent(HTTP_USER_AGENT); $config->setMaxBodySize(HTTP_MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE); // Grabber $config->setGrabberRulesFolder(RULES_DIRECTORY); // Proxy $config->setProxyHostname(PROXY_HOSTNAME); $config->setProxyPort(PROXY_PORT); $config->setProxyUsername(PROXY_USERNAME); $config->setProxyPassword(PROXY_PASSWORD); // Filter $config->setFilterIframeWhitelist(Model\Config\get_iframe_whitelist()); // Parser $config->setParserHashAlgo('crc32b'); if (DEBUG_MODE) { Logger::enable(); } return $config; }