PicoDb ====== PicoDb is a minimalist database query builder for PHP **It's not an ORM**. Features -------- - No dependency - Easy to use, fast and very lightweight - Use prepared statements - Handle schema versions (migrations) - License: [WTFPL](http://www.wtfpl.net) Requirements ------------ - PHP >= 5.3 - PDO - A database: Sqlite, Mysql or Postgresql Todo ---- - Add driver for Postgresql - Add support for Distinct... Documentation ------------- ## Connect to your database use PicoDb\Database; // Sqlite driver $db = new Database(['driver' => 'sqlite', 'filename' => ':memory:']); // Mysql driver // Optional options: "schema_table" (the default table name is "schema_version") $db = new Database(array( 'driver' => 'mysql', 'hostname' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'root', 'password' => '', 'database' => 'my_db_name', 'charset' => 'utf8', )); ## Execute a SQL request $db->execute('CREATE TABLE toto (column1 TEXT)'); ## Insert some data $db->table('toto')->save(['column1' => 'hey']); ## Transations $db->transaction(function($db) { $db->table('toto')->save(['column1' => 'foo']); $db->table('toto')->save(['column1' => 'bar']); }); ## Fetch all data $records = $db->table('toto')->findAll(); foreach ($records as $record) { var_dump($record['column1']); } ## Update something $db->table('toto')->eq('id', 1)->save(['column1' => 'hey']); You just need to add a condition to perform an update. ## Remove rows $db->table('toto')->lowerThan('column1', 10)->remove(); ## Sorting $db->table('toto')->asc('column1')->findAll(); or $db->table('toto')->desc('column1')->findAll(); ## Limit and offset $db->table('toto')->limit(10)->offset(5)->findAll(); ## Fetch only some columns $db->table('toto')->columns('column1', 'column2')->findAll(); ## Conditions ### Equals condition $db->table('toto') ->equals('column1', 'hey') ->findAll(); or $db->table('toto') ->eq('column1', 'hey') ->findAll(); Yout got: 'SELECT * FROM toto WHERE column1=?' ### IN condition $db->table('toto') ->in('column1', ['hey', 'bla']) ->findAll(); ### Like condition $db->table('toto') ->like('column1', '%hey%') ->findAll(); ### Lower than $db->table('toto') ->lowerThan('column1', 2) ->findAll(); or $db->table('toto') ->lt('column1', 2) ->findAll(); ### Lower than or equals $db->table('toto') ->lowerThanOrEquals('column1', 2) ->findAll(); or $db->table('toto') ->lte('column1', 2) ->findAll(); ### Greater than $db->table('toto') ->greaterThan('column1', 3) ->findAll(); or $db->table('toto') ->gt('column1', 3) ->findAll(); ### Greater than or equals $db->table('toto') ->greaterThanOrEquals('column1', 3) ->findAll(); or $db->table('toto') ->gte('column1', 3) ->findAll(); ### Multiple conditions Each condition is joined by a AND. $db->table('toto') ->like('column2', '%toto') ->gte('column1', 3) ->findAll(); How to make a OR condition: $db->table('toto') ->beginOr() ->like('column2', '%toto') ->gte('column1', 3) ->closeOr() ->eq('column5', 'titi') ->findAll(); ## Schema migrations ### Define a migration - Migrations are defined in simple functions inside a namespace named "Schema". - An instance of PDO is passed to first argument of the function. - Function names has the version number at the end. Example: namespace Schema; function version_1($pdo) { $pdo->exec(' CREATE TABLE users ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT UNIQUE, email TEXT UNIQUE, password TEXT ) '); } function version_2($pdo) { $pdo->exec(' CREATE TABLE tags ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT UNIQUE ) '); } ### Run schema update automatically - The method "check()" executes all migrations until to reach the correct version number. - If we are already on the last version nothing will happen. - The schema version for the driver Sqlite is stored inside a variable (PRAGMA user_version) - You can use that with a dependency injection controller. Example: $last_schema_version = 5; $db = new PicoDb\Database(array( 'driver' => 'sqlite', 'filename' => '/tmp/mydb.sqlite' )); if ($db->schema()->check($last_schema_version)) { // Do something... } else { die('Unable to migrate database schema.'); } ### Use a singleton to handle database instances Setup a new instance: PicoDb\Database::bootstrap('myinstance', function() { $db = new PicoDb\Database(array( 'driver' => 'sqlite', 'filename' => DB_FILENAME )); if ($db->schema()->check(DB_VERSION)) { return $db; } else { die('Unable to migrate database schema.'); } }); Get this instance anywhere in your code: PicoDb\Database::get('myinstance')->table(...)