(function() { // List of subscriptions var feeds = []; // List of feeds currently updating var queue = []; // Number of concurrent requests when updating all feeds var queue_length = 5; // Keyboard shortcuts queue var keyqueue = []; // Download full content from the original website function download_item() { var container = document.getElementById("download-item"); if (! container) return; var item_id = container.getAttribute("data-item-id"); var message = container.getAttribute("data-before-message"); var img = document.createElement("img"); img.src = "assets/img/refresh.gif"; container.innerHTML = ""; container.className = "downloading"; container.appendChild(img); container.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" " + message)); var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onload = function() { var response = JSON.parse(request.responseText); if (response.result) { var content = document.getElementById("item-content"); if (content) content.innerHTML = response.content; if (container) { var message = container.getAttribute("data-after-message"); container.innerHTML = ""; container.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" " + message)); } } else { if (container) { var message = container.getAttribute("data-failure-message"); container.innerHTML = ""; container.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" " + message)); } } }; request.open("POST", "?action=download-item&id=" + item_id, true); request.send(); } // Flip item status between unread and read function switch_status(item_id, hide) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onload = function() { if (is_listing()) { var response = JSON.parse(request.responseText); if (response.status == "read" || response.status == "unread") { find_next_item(); if (hide) remove_item(response.item_id); } } } request.open("POST", "?action=change-item-status&id=" + item_id, true); request.send(); } // Set all items of the current page to the status read and redirect to the main page function mark_items_as_read(redirect) { var articles = document.getElementsByTagName("article"); var idlist = []; for (var i = 0, ilen = articles.length; i < ilen; i++) { idlist.push(articles[i].getAttribute("data-item-id")); } var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onload = function() { window.location.href = redirect; }; request.open("POST", "?action=mark-items-as-read", true); request.send(JSON.stringify(idlist)); } // Mark the current item read and hide this item function mark_as_read(item_id) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onload = function() { remove_item(item_id); }; request.open("POST", "?action=mark-item-read&id=" + item_id, true); request.send(); } // Set the current item unread and hide this item function mark_as_unread(item_id) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onload = function() { remove_item(item_id); }; request.open("POST", "?action=mark-item-unread&id=" + item_id, true); request.send(); } // Bookmark the selected item function bookmark_item() { var item = document.getElementById("current-item"); if (item) { var item_id = item.getAttribute("data-item-id"); var link = document.getElementById("bookmark-" + item_id); if (link) link.click(); } } // Show the refresh icon when updating a feed function show_refresh_icon(feed_id) { var container = document.getElementById("loading-feed-" + feed_id); if (container) { var img = document.createElement("img"); img.src = "assets/img/refresh.gif"; container.appendChild(img); } } // Hide the refresh icon after update function hide_refresh_icon(feed_id) { var container = document.getElementById("loading-feed-" + feed_id); if (container) container.innerHTML = ""; var container = document.getElementById("last-checked-feed-" + feed_id); if (container) container.innerHTML = container.getAttribute("data-after-update"); } // Update one feed in the background and execute a callback after that function refresh_feed(feed_id, callback) { if (! feed_id) return false; show_refresh_icon(feed_id); var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onload = function() { hide_refresh_icon(feed_id); try { if (callback) { callback(JSON.parse(this.responseText)); } } catch (e) {} }; request.open("POST", "?action=refresh-feed&feed_id=" + feed_id, true); request.send(); return true; } // Get all subscriptions from the feeds page function get_feeds() { var links = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for (var i = 0, ilen = links.length; i < ilen; i++) { var feed_id = links[i].getAttribute('data-feed-id'); if (feed_id) feeds.push(parseInt(feed_id)); } } // Refresh all feeds (use a queue to allow 5 concurrent feed updates) function refresh_all() { get_feeds(); var interval = setInterval(function() { while (feeds.length > 0 && queue.length < queue_length) { var feed_id = feeds.shift(); queue.push(feed_id); refresh_feed(feed_id, function(response) { var index = queue.indexOf(response.feed_id); if (index >= 0) queue.splice(index, 1); if (feeds.length == 0 && queue.length == 0) { clearInterval(interval); window.location.href = "?action=unread"; } }); } }, 100); } // Go the next page function open_next_page() { var link = document.getElementById("next-page"); if (link) link.click(); } // Go to the previous page function open_previous_page() { var link = document.getElementById("previous-page"); if (link) link.click(); } // Hide one item and update the item counter on the top function remove_item(item_id) { var item = document.getElementById("item-" + item_id); if (! item) { item = document.getElementById("current-item"); if (item.getAttribute("data-item-id") != item_id) item = false; } if (item) { item.parentNode.removeChild(item); var container = document.getElementById("page-counter"); if (container) { counter = parseInt(container.textContent.trim(), 10) - 1; if (counter == 0) { window.location = "?action=feeds¬hing_to_read=1"; } else { container.textContent = counter + " "; document.title = "miniflux (" + counter + ")"; document.getElementById("nav-counter").textContent = "(" + counter + ")"; } } } } // Open the original url inside a new tab function open_original_item() { var link = document.getElementById("original-item"); if (link) { if (is_listing() && link.getAttribute("data-hide")) { mark_as_read(link.getAttribute("data-item-id")); } link.removeAttribute("data-action"); link.click(); } } // Show item content function open_item() { var link = document.getElementById("open-item"); if (link) link.click(); } // Show the next item function open_next_item() { var link = document.getElementById("next-item"); if (link) { link.click(); } else if (is_listing()) { find_next_item(); } } // Show the previous item function open_previous_item() { var link = document.getElementById("previous-item"); if (link) { link.click(); } else if (is_listing()) { find_previous_item(); } } // Change item status and select the next item in the list function change_item_status() { if (is_listing() && ! document.getElementById("current-item")) { find_next_item(); } var item = document.getElementById("current-item"); if (item) { switch_status(item.getAttribute("data-item-id"), item.getAttribute("data-hide")); } } // Scroll automatically the page when using keyboard shortcuts function scroll_page_to(item) { var clientHeight = pageYOffset + document.documentElement.clientHeight; var itemPosition = item.offsetTop + item.offsetHeight; if (clientHeight - itemPosition < 0 || clientHeight - item.offsetTop > document.documentElement.clientHeight) { window.scrollTo(0, item.offsetTop - 10); } } // Prepare the DOM for the selected item function set_links_item(item_id) { var link = document.getElementById("current-item"); if (link) scroll_page_to(link); var link = document.getElementById("original-item"); if (link) link.id = "original-" + link.getAttribute("data-item-id"); var link = document.getElementById("open-item"); if (link) link.id = "open-" + link.getAttribute("data-item-id"); var link = document.getElementById("original-" + item_id); if (link) link.id = "original-item"; var link = document.getElementById("open-" + item_id); if (link) link.id = "open-item"; } // Find the next item in the listing page function find_next_item() { var items = document.getElementsByTagName("article"); if (! document.getElementById("current-item")) { items[0].id = "current-item"; set_links_item(items[0].getAttribute("data-item-id")); } else { for (var i = 0, ilen = items.length; i < ilen; i++) { if (items[i].id == "current-item") { items[i].id = "item-" + items[i].getAttribute("data-item-id"); if (i + 1 < ilen) { items[i + 1].id = "current-item"; set_links_item(items[i + 1].getAttribute("data-item-id")); } break; } } } } // Find the previous item in the listing page function find_previous_item() { var items = document.getElementsByTagName("article"); if (! document.getElementById("current-item")) { items[items.length - 1].id = "current-item"; set_links_item(items[items.length - 1].getAttribute("data-item-id")); } else { for (var i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (items[i].id == "current-item") { items[i].id = "item-" + items[i].getAttribute("data-item-id"); if (i - 1 >= 0) { items[i - 1].id = "current-item"; set_links_item(items[i - 1].getAttribute("data-item-id")); } break; } } } } // Check if we are on a listing page function is_listing() { if (document.getElementById("listing")) return true; return false; } // Authentication with Mozilla Persona function mozilla_auth(action) { navigator.id.watch({ onlogin: function(assertion) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("POST", "?action=" + action, true); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xhr.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); xhr.onload = function () { window.location.href = this.responseText; }; xhr.send("token=" + assertion); }, onlogout: function() {} }); navigator.id.request(); } // Click event handler, if there is a "data-action" attribute execute the corresponding callback document.onclick = function(e) { var action = e.target.getAttribute("data-action"); if (action) { switch (action) { case 'refresh-all': e.preventDefault(); refresh_all(); break; case 'refresh-feed': e.preventDefault(); var feed_id = e.target.getAttribute("data-feed-id"); refresh_feed(feed_id); break; case 'mark-read': e.preventDefault(); var item_id = e.target.getAttribute("data-item-id"); mark_as_read(item_id); break; case 'mark-unread': e.preventDefault(); var item_id = e.target.getAttribute("data-item-id"); mark_as_unread(item_id); break; case 'mark-all-read': e.preventDefault(); mark_items_as_read("?action=unread"); break; case 'mark-feed-read': e.preventDefault(); mark_items_as_read("?action=feed-items&feed_id=" + e.target.getAttribute("data-feed-id")); break; case 'original-link': var item_id = e.target.getAttribute("data-item-id"); mark_as_read(item_id); break; case 'download-item': e.preventDefault(); download_item(); break; case 'mozilla-login': e.preventDefault(); mozilla_auth("mozilla-auth"); break; case 'mozilla-link': e.preventDefault(); mozilla_auth("mozilla-link"); break; } } }; // Keyboard handler, handle keyboard shortcuts document.onkeypress = function(e) { keyqueue.push(e.keyCode || e.which); if (keyqueue[0] == 103) { // g switch (keyqueue[1]) { case undefined: break; case 117: // u window.location.href = "?action=unread"; keyqueue = []; break; case 98: // b window.location.href = "?action=bookmarks"; keyqueue = []; break; case 104: // h window.location.href = "?action=history"; keyqueue = []; break; case 115: // s window.location.href = "?action=feeds"; keyqueue = []; break; case 112: // p window.location.href = "?action=config"; keyqueue = []; break; default: keyqueue = []; break; } } else { keyqueue = []; switch (e.keyCode || e.which) { case 100: // d download_item(); break; case 112: // p case 107: // k open_previous_item(); break; case 110: // n case 106: // j open_next_item(); break; case 118: // v open_original_item(); break; case 111: // o open_item(); break; case 109: // m change_item_status(); break; case 102: // f bookmark_item(); break; case 104: // h open_previous_page(); break case 108: // l open_next_page(); break; case 63: // ? open("?action=show-help", "Help", "width=320,height=450,location=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,toolbar=no"); break; } } }; })();