Json-RPC API ============ The Miniflux API is a way to interact programatically with your feeds, items, bookmarks and other data. Developers can use this API to make a desktop or a mobile client on Android, iOS, etc... Protocol -------- The API use the [JSON-RPC](http://www.jsonrpc.org/) protocol because it's very simple. JSON-RPC is a remote procedure call protocol encoded in JSON. Almost the same thing as XML-RPC but with JSON. We use the [version 2](http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification) of the protocol. You must call the API with a **POST** HTTP request. Credentials ----------- The first step is to retrieve API credentials and the URL endpoint. Under the web user interface of Miniflux, go to the menu **preferences**, scroll down until you reach the API section. You must have these information: - API endpoint: `https://username.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php` - API username: `username` - API token: `swB3/nSo1CB1X2F` (random token) The API username is the same as your login username and the API token is generated automatically during the database creation. Authentication -------------- The API use the HTTP Basic Authentication scheme described in [RFC2617](http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2617.txt). Based on the above example, the username is "demo" and the password is the "API token" (swB3/nSo1CB1X2F). Examples -------- ### Example with cURL ```bash curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "feed.create", "params": {"url": "http://images.apple.com/main/rss/hotnews/hotnews.rss"}, "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Success output: ```json {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":6} ``` The `feed_id` is 6. Error output: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":false} ### Example with PHP I developed a very simple [JSON-RPC client/server PHP library](https://github.com/fguillot/JsonRPC). Here is an example to fetch all bookmarks. ```php use JsonRPC\Client; $client = new Client('https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php'); $client->authentication('demo', 'swB3/nSo1CB1X2F'); $result = $client->execute('item.bookmark.list'); print_r($result); ``` Output: ```php Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => be1403d8 [title] => Data Structures for PHP Devs: Heaps [updated] => 1374503433 [url] => http://phpmaster.com/data-structures-3/ [status] => read [site_url] => http://phpmaster.com [feed_title] => PHP Master ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 49c2f23c [title] => Has Mozilla Lost Its Values? [updated] => 1374171372 [url] => https://www.iab.net/iablog/2013/07/has-mozilla-lost-its-values.html [status] => read [site_url] => https://lobste.rs/ [feed_title] => lobste.rs ) ) ``` Procedures ---------- ### app.version Get the application version. - **Arguments:** None - **Return:** Software version Request: ```bash curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "app.version", "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":1, "result": { "version":"master" } } ``` ### feed.list Get the list of subscriptions. - **Arguments:** None - **Return on success:** List of feeds - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```bash curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "feed.list", "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : [ { "download_content" : "0", "enabled" : "1", "etag" : null, "feed_url" : "http://www.lemonde.fr/rss/une.xml", "id" : "1", "last_checked" : null, "last_modified" : null, "parsing_error" : "0", "site_url" : "http://www.lemonde.fr/rss/une.xml", "title" : "Le Monde.fr - Actualité à la Une", "feed_group_ids" : [ "1", "2" ] }, { "download_content" : "1", "enabled" : "1", "etag" : null, "feed_url" : "http://www.futura-sciences.com/rss/actualites.xml", "id" : "6", "last_checked" : null, "last_modified" : null, "parsing_error" : "0", "site_url" : "http://www.futura-sciences.com", "title" : "Les dernières actualités de Futura-Sciences", "feed_group_ids" : [ "3" ] }, { "download_content" : "0", "enabled" : "1", "etag" : null, "feed_url" : "http://www.mac4ever.com/rss/actu", "id" : "2", "last_checked" : null, "last_modified" : null, "parsing_error" : "0", "site_url" : "http://www.mac4ever.com/actu", "title" : "Mac4Ever.com - Actualité", "feed_group_ids" : [] }, ... ] } ``` ### feed.info Fetch one subscription - **Arguments:** feed_id (integer) - **Return on success:** Key-value pair - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```bash curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "feed.info", "params": {"feed_id": 1}, "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : [ { "download_content" : "0", "enabled" : "1", "etag" : null, "feed_url" : "http://www.lemonde.fr/rss/une.xml", "id" : "1", "last_checked" : null, "last_modified" : null, "parsing_error" : "0", "site_url" : "http://www.lemonde.fr/rss/une.xml", "title" : "Le Monde.fr - Actualité à la Une", "feed_group_ids" : [ "1", "2" ] } ] } ``` ### feed.create Add a new subscription (synchronous operation). - **Arguments:** url (string) - **Return on success:** feed_id (integer) - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```bash curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "feed.create", "params": {"url": "http://images.apple.com/main/rss/hotnews/hotnews.rss"}, "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":6} ``` ### feed.delete Remove one subscription. - **Arguments:** feed_id (integer) - **Return on success:** true - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```bash curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "feed.delete", "params": {"feed_id": 5}, id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result": true } ``` ### feed.delete_all Remove all subscriptions. - **Arguments:** None - **Return on success:** true - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```bash curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "feed.delete_all", "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : true } ``` ### feed.update Refresh one subscription (synchronous operation). - **Arguments:** feed_id (integer) - **Return on success:** true - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```json curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "feed.update", "params": {"feed_id": 1}, id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : true } ``` ### group.list Get the list of groups. - **Arguments:** None - **Return on success:** List of groups - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```bash curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "group.list", "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : [ { "id" : "1", "title" : "Tech" }, { "id" : "2", "title" : "Hardware" }, { "id" : "3", "title" : "Software" }, ... ] } ``` ### item.feed.list Get all items for a specific feed. - **Arguments:** feed_id, offset = null, limit = null (integer) - **Return on success:** List of items - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```json curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.feed.list", "params": {"feed_id": 1}, id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : [ { "bookmark" : "0", "content" : "<p>La fermeture de quatre usines affecte 1 250 salariés, soit 30 % des effectifs de la marque en Espagne.</p>", "feed_id" : "1", "id" : "bcc94722", "site_url" : "http://www.lemonde.fr/rss/une.xml", "status" : "unread", "title" : "Des milliers de manifestants à Madrid contre la fermeture d'usines Coca-Cola", "updated" : "1392486765", "url" : "http://www.lemonde.fr/europe/article/2014/02/15/des-milliers-de-manifestants-a-madrid-contre-la-fermeture-d-usines-coca-cola_4367428_3214.html#xtor=RSS-3208" }, { "bookmark" : "0", "content" : "<p>Le Français a passé samedi la barre des 6,16 mètres, dépassant ainsi le saut de l'Ukrainien à 6,15 mètres atteint en 1993.</p>", "feed_id" : "1", "id" : "c659783b", "site_url" : "http://www.lemonde.fr/rss/une.xml", "status" : "unread", "title" : "Saut à la perche : Lavillenie bat le record du monde de Bubka", "updated" : "1392486633", "url" : "http://www.lemonde.fr/sport/article/2014/02/15/saut-a-la-perche-lavillenie-bat-le-record-du-monde-de-bubka_4367434_3242.html#xtor=RSS-3208" }, ... ] } ``` ### item.feed.count Count all items for a specific feed. - **Arguments:** feed_id (integer) - **Return on success:** Number of items (integer) - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```bash curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.feed.count", "params": {"feed_id": 1}, "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : 25 } ``` ### item.bookmark.list Get all bookmarks. - **Arguments:** offset = null, limit = null (integer) - **Return on success:** List of items - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```json curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.bookmark.list", "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : [ { "bookmark" : "1", "content" : "La fermeture de quatre usines affecte 1 250 salariés, soit 30 % des effectifs de la marque en Espagne.", "feed_id" : "1", "feed_title" : "Le Monde.fr - Actualité à la Une", "id" : "bcc94722", "site_url" : "http://www.lemonde.fr/rss/une.xml", "status" : "unread", "title" : "Des milliers de manifestants à Madrid contre la fermeture d'usines Coca-Cola", "updated" : "1392486765", "url" : "http://www.lemonde.fr/europe/article/2014/02/15/des-milliers-de-manifestants-a-madrid-contre-la-fermeture-d-usines-coca-cola_4367428_3214.html#xtor=RSS-3208" }, ... ] } ``` ### item.bookmark.count Count the number of bookmarks. - **Arguments:** Nothing - **Return on success:** Number of items (integer) - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```json curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.bookmark.count", "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : 3 } ``` ### item.bookmark.create Add a new bookmark. - **Arguments:** item_id - **Return on success:** true - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```json curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.bookmark.create", "params": {"item_id": "1fd17ad3"}, "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : true } ``` ### item.bookmark.delete Remove a bookmark. - **Arguments:** item_id - **Return on success:** 1 (integer) - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```json curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.bookmark.delete", "params": {"item_id": "1fd17ad3"}, "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : true } ``` ### item.list_unread Get all unread items. - **Arguments:** offset = null, limit = null (integer) - **Return on success:** List of items - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```json curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.list_unread", "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : [ { "bookmark" : "0", "content" : "La fermeture de quatre usines affecte 1 250 salariés, soit 30 % des effectifs de la marque en Espagne.", "feed_id" : "1", "feed_title" : "Le Monde.fr - Actualité à la Une", "id" : "bcc94722", "site_url" : "http://www.lemonde.fr/rss/une.xml", "status" : "unread", "title" : "Des milliers de manifestants à Madrid contre la fermeture d'usines Coca-Cola", "updated" : "1392486765", "url" : "http://www.lemonde.fr/europe/article/2014/02/15/des-milliers-de-manifestants-a-madrid-contre-la-fermeture-d-usines-coca-cola_4367428_3214.html#xtor=RSS-3208" }, ... ] } ``` ### item.count_unread Count all unread items. - **Arguments:** Nothing - **Return on success:** Number of items (integer) - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```json curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.count_unread", "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : 18 } ``` ### item.list_read Get all read items. - **Arguments:** offset = null, limit = null (integer) - **Return on success:** List of items - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```json curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.list_read", "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : { "bookmark" : "0", "content" : "La fermeture de quatre usines affecte 1 250 salariés, soit 30 % des effectifs de la marque en Espagne.", "feed_id" : "1", "feed_title" : "Le Monde.fr - Actualité à la Une", "id" : "bcc94722", "site_url" : "http://www.lemonde.fr/rss/une.xml", "status" : "read", "title" : "Des milliers de manifestants à Madrid contre la fermeture d'usines Coca-Cola", "updated" : "1392486765", "url" : "http://www.lemonde.fr/europe/article/2014/02/15/des-milliers-de-manifestants-a-madrid-contre-la-fermeture-d-usines-coca-cola_4367428_3214.html#xtor=RSS-3208" }, ... } ``` ### item.count_read Count all read items. - **Arguments:** Nothing - **Return on success:** Number of items (integer) - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```json curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.count_read", "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : 254 } ``` ### item.info Fetch one item. - **Arguments:** item_id - **Return on success:** Key-value pair - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```json curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.info", "params": {"item_id": "bcc94722"}, "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : { "author" : "", "bookmark" : "1", "content" : "La fermeture de quatre usines affecte 1 250 salariés, soit 30 % des effectifs de la marque en Espagne.", "feed_id" : "1", "id" : "bcc94722", "status" : "unread", "title" : "Des milliers de manifestants à Madrid contre la fermeture d'usines Coca-Cola", "updated" : "1392486765", "url" : "http://www.lemonde.fr/europe/article/2014/02/15/des-milliers-de-manifestants-a-madrid-contre-la-fermeture-d-usines-coca-cola_4367428_3214.html#xtor=RSS-3208" } } ``` ### item.delete Remove one item. - **Arguments:** item_id - **Return on success:** true - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```json curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.delete", "params": {"item_id": "bcc94722"}, "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : true } ``` ### item.mark_as_read Mark an item as read. - **Arguments:** item_id - **Return on success:** true - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```json curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.mark_as_read", "params": {"item_id": "1fd17ad3"}, "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : true } ``` ### item.mark_as_unread Mark an item as unread. - **Arguments:** item_id - **Return on success:** true - **Return on failure: **false Request: ```json curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.mark_as_read", "params": {"item_id": "1fd17ad3"}, "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : true } ``` ### item.flush Flush all read items. - **Arguments:** Nothing - **Return on success:** true - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```json curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.flush", "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : true } ``` ### item.mark_all_as_read Mark all unread items as read. - **Arguments:** Nothing - **Return on success:** true - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```json curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.mark_all_as_read", "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : true } ``` ### item.set_list_status Change the status of a list of item id. - **Arguments:** status (read, unread or removed), items (list of item id: ["id-1", "id-2", ...]) - **Return on success:** true - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```json curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.set_list_status", "params": {"status": "unread", "items": ["1fd17ad3", "bcc94722"]}, "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : true } ``` ### item.get_all Get all items (unread and read) - **Arguments:** Nothing - **Return on success:** List of items - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```json curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.get_all", "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : [ { "bookmark" : "0", "content" : "<p>Le comportement de molécules biologiques importantes est probablement différent dans un milieu ...</p>", "feed_id" : "6", "feed_title" : "Les dernières actualités de Futura-Sciences", "id" : "947c27f1", "site_url" : "http://www.futura-sciences.com", "status" : "read", "title" : "Des bulles de graphène piègent des moélcules sous le microscope", "updated" : "1392467820", "url" : "http://www.futura-sciences.com/magazines/matiere/infos/actu/d/physique-bulles-graphene-piegent-moelcules-sous-microscope-52264/#xtor=RSS-8" }, ... ] } ``` ### item.get_all_status Get all items status (unread and read) - **Arguments:** Nothing - **Return on success:** List of items id and the status - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```json curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.get_all_status", "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : { "02043706" : "unread", "03b2f912" : "read", "087619e5" : "unread", "0a05d7f2" : "read", "0ab36a48" : "read", "0d55fd54" : "read", "0f64bd6d" : "read", "0fff2adc" : "unread", "10fc26ac" : "unread", .... } } ``` ### item.get_all_since Get all items since a date (unread and read) - **Arguments:** Unix timestamp - **Return on success:** List of items - **Return on failure:** false Request: ```json curl \ -u "demo:swB3/nSo1CB1X2F" \ -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.get_all_since", "params": {"timestamp": 1392467820}, "id": 1}' \ https://demo.miniflux.net/jsonrpc.php ``` Response: ```json { "id" : 1, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : [ { "bookmark" : "0", "content" : "<p>...</p>", "feed_id" : "6", "feed_title" : "Les dernières actualités de Futura-Sciences", "id" : "dccc2a20", "site_url" : "http://www.futura-sciences.com", "status" : "read", "title" : "Curiosity a franchi avec succès la dune de Dingo Gap", "updated" : "1392475200", "url" : "http://www.futura-sciences.com/magazines/espace/infos/actu/d/astronautique-curiosity-franchi-succes-dune-dingo-gap-52289/#xtor=RSS-8" }, { "bookmark" : "0", "content" : "<p>...</p>", "feed_id" : "6", "feed_title" : "Les dernières actualités de Futura-Sciences", "id" : "947c27f1", "site_url" : "http://www.futura-sciences.com", "status" : "read", "title" : "Des bulles de graphène piègent des moélcules sous le microscope", "updated" : "1392467820", "url" : "http://www.futura-sciences.com/magazines/matiere/infos/actu/d/physique-bulles-graphene-piegent-moelcules-sous-microscope-52264/#xtor=RSS-8" }, ... ] } ```