Miniflux.Item = (function() { // timestamp of the latest item per feed ever seen var latest_feeds_items = []; // indicator for new unread items var unreadItems = false; var nbUnreadItems = function() { var navCounterElement = document.getElementById("nav-counter"); if (navCounterElement) { counter = parseInt(navCounterElement.textContent, 10) || 0; return counter; } }(); var nbPageItems = function() { var pageCounterElement = document.getElementById("page-counter"); if (pageCounterElement) { counter = parseInt(pageCounterElement.textContent, 10) || 0; return counter; } }(); function simulateMouseClick(element) { var event = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); event.initEvent("mousedown", true, true); element.dispatchEvent(event); var event = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); event.initEvent("mouseup", true, true); element.dispatchEvent(event);; } function getItemID(item) { item_id = item.getAttribute("data-item-id"); return item_id; } function changeLabel(link) { if (link && link.hasAttribute("data-reverse-title") && link.hasAttribute("title")) { var title = link.getAttribute("title"); link.setAttribute("title", link.getAttribute("data-reverse-title")); link.setAttribute("data-reverse-title", title); } } function changeBookmarkLabel(item) { var link = item.querySelector(".bookmark-icon"); changeLabel(link); } function changeStatusLabel(item) { var link = item.querySelector(".read-icon"); changeLabel(link); } function showItemAsRead(item) { if (item.getAttribute("data-item-status") === 'read') { return; } if (item.getAttribute("data-hide")) { hideItem(item); } else { item.setAttribute("data-item-status", "read"); changeStatusLabel(item); // Change action var link = item.querySelector(".read-icon"); if (link) link.setAttribute("data-action", "mark-unread"); } nbUnreadItems--; } function showItemAsUnread(item) { if (item.getAttribute("data-item-status") === 'unread') { return; } if (item.getAttribute("data-hide")) { hideItem(item); } else { item.setAttribute("data-item-status", "unread"); changeStatusLabel(item); // Change action var link = item.querySelector(".read-icon"); if (link) link.setAttribute("data-action", "mark-read"); } nbUnreadItems++; } function hideItem(item) { if (Miniflux.Event.lastEventType !== "mouse") { var items = document.getElementsByTagName("article"); if (items[items.length-1].id === "current-item") { Miniflux.Nav.SelectPreviousItem(); } else { Miniflux.Nav.SelectNextItem(); } } item.parentNode.removeChild(item); nbPageItems--; } function updateCounters() { // redirect to unread if we're on a nothing to read page if (window.location.href.indexOf('nothing_to_read=1') > -1 && nbUnreadItems > 0) { window.location.href = '?action=unread'; } // reload to get a nothing to read page else if (nbPageItems === 0) { window.location.reload(); } var pageCounterElement = document.getElementById("page-counter"); if (pageCounterElement) pageCounterElement.textContent = nbPageItems || ''; var navCounterElement = document.getElementById("nav-counter"); navCounterElement.textContent = nbUnreadItems || ''; var pageHeadingElement = document.querySelector(" h2:first-of-type"); if (pageHeadingElement) { pageHeading = pageHeadingElement.firstChild.nodeValue; } else { // special handling while viewing an article. // 1. The article does not have a page-header element // 2. An article could be opened from any page and has the original // page as data-item-page value var itemHeading = document.querySelector("article.item h1:first-of-type"); if (itemHeading) { document.title = itemHeading.textContent; return; } } // pagetitle depends on current page var sectionElement = document.querySelector(""); switch (sectionElement.getAttribute("data-item-page")) { case "unread": document.title = "Miniflux (" + nbUnreadItems + ")"; break; case "feed-items": document.title = "(" + nbPageItems + ") " + pageHeading; break; default: if (pageCounterElement) { document.title = pageHeading + " (" + nbPageItems + ")"; } else { document.title = pageHeading; } break; } } function markAsRead(item) { var item_id = getItemID(item); var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onload = function() { if (Miniflux.Nav.IsListing()) { showItemAsRead(item); updateCounters(); } };"POST", "?action=mark-item-read&id=" + item_id, true); request.send(); } function markAsUnread(item) { var item_id = getItemID(item); var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onload = function() { if (Miniflux.Nav.IsListing()) { showItemAsUnread(item); updateCounters(); } };"POST", "?action=mark-item-unread&id=" + item_id, true); request.send(); } function markAsRemoved(item) { var item_id = getItemID(item); var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onload = function() { if (Miniflux.Nav.IsListing()) { hideItem(item); if (item.getAttribute("data-item-status") === "unread") nbUnreadItems--; updateCounters(); } };"POST", "?action=mark-item-removed&id=" + item_id, true); request.send(); } return { MarkAsRead: markAsRead, MarkAsUnread: markAsUnread, MarkAsRemoved: markAsRemoved, SwitchBookmark: function(item) { var item_id = getItemID(item); var value = item.getAttribute("data-item-bookmark") === "1" ? "0" : "1"; var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onload = function() { var sectionElement = document.querySelector(""); if (Miniflux.Nav.IsListing() && sectionElement.getAttribute("data-item-page") === "bookmarks") { hideItem(item); updateCounters(); } else { item.setAttribute("data-item-bookmark", value); changeBookmarkLabel(item); } };"POST", "?action=bookmark&id=" + item_id + "&value=" + value, true); request.send(); }, SwitchStatus: function(item) { var status = item.getAttribute("data-item-status"); if (status === "read") { markAsUnread(item); } else if (status === "unread") { markAsRead(item); } }, Show: function(item) { var link = item.querySelector(""); if (link) simulateMouseClick(link); }, OpenOriginal: function(item) { var link = item.querySelector("a.original"); if (link) simulateMouseClick(link) }, DownloadContent: function(item) { var container = document.getElementById("download-item"); if (! container) return; container.innerHTML = " " + container.getAttribute("data-before-message"); container.className = "loading-icon"; var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onload = function() { var response = JSON.parse(request.responseText); container.className = ""; if (response['result']) { var content = document.getElementById("item-content"); if (content) content.innerHTML = response['content']; container.innerHTML = container.getAttribute("data-after-message"); } else { container.innerHTML = container.getAttribute("data-failure-message"); } }; var item_id = getItemID(item);"POST", "?action=download-item&id=" + item_id, true); request.send(); }, MarkFeedAsRead: function(feed_id) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onload = function() { var articles = document.getElementsByTagName("article"); for (var i = 0, ilen = articles.length; i < ilen; i++) { showItemAsRead(articles[i]); } nbUnreadItems = this.responseText; updateCounters(); };"POST", "?action=mark-feed-as-read&feed_id=" + feed_id, true); request.send(); }, ToggleRTLMode: function() { var tags = [ "#current-item h1", "#item-content", "#listing #current-item h2", "#listing #current-item .preview", "#listing #current-item .preview-full-content" ]; for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { var tag = document.querySelector(tags[i]); if (tag) { tag.dir = tag.dir == "" ? "rtl" : ""; } } }, hasNewUnread: function() { return unreadItems; }, CheckForUpdates: function() { if (document.hidden && unreadItems) { Miniflux.App.Log('We already have updates, no need to check again'); return; } var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onload = function() { var first_run = (latest_feeds_items.length === 0); var current_unread = false; var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText); for (var feed_id in response['feeds']) { var current_feed = response['feeds'][feed_id]; if (! latest_feeds_items.hasOwnProperty(feed_id) || current_feed.time > latest_feeds_items[feed_id]) { Miniflux.App.Log('feed ' + feed_id + ': New item(s)'); latest_feeds_items[feed_id] = current_feed.time; if (current_feed.status === 'unread') { Miniflux.App.Log('feed ' + feed_id + ': New unread item(s)'); current_unread = true; } } } Miniflux.App.Log('first_run: ' + first_run + ', current_unread: ' + current_unread + ', response.nbUnread: ' + response['nbUnread'] + ', nbUnreadItems: ' + nbUnreadItems); if (! document.hidden && (response['nbUnread'] !== nbUnreadItems || unreadItems)) { Miniflux.App.Log('Counter changed! Updating unread counter.'); unreadItems = false; nbUnreadItems = response['nbUnread']; updateCounters(); } else if (document.hidden && ! first_run && current_unread) { Miniflux.App.Log('New Unread! Updating pagetitle.'); unreadItems = true; document.title = "↻ " + document.title; } else { Miniflux.App.Log('No update.'); } Miniflux.App.Log('unreadItems: ' + unreadItems); };"POST", "?action=latest-feeds-items", true); request.send(); } }; })();