PicoFarad ========= PicoFarad is a minimalist micro-framework for PHP. Perfect to build a REST API or a small webapp. Features -------- - No dependency - Easy to use, fast and very lightweight - Only 4 files: Request, Response, Router and Session - License: Do what the fuck you want with that Requirements ------------ - PHP >= 5.3 Router ------ ### Example for a single file webapp: ```php true], 201); }); // GET /foo/123 Router\get('/foo/:id', function($id) { Response\json(['result' => true]); }); // PUT /foo/123 Router\put('/foo/:id', function($id) { $values = Request\values(); ... Response\json(['result' => true]); }); // DELETE /foo/123 Router\delete('/foo/:id', function($id) { Response\json(['result' => true]); }); ``` Response -------- ### Send a JSON response ```php '); ``` ### Send XML response ```php Response\xml(''); ``` ### Send a binary response ```php Response\binary($my_file_content); ``` ### Send a raw response (no content-type) ```php Response\raw($content); ``` ### Force browser download ```php Response\force_download('The name of the ouput file'); ``` ### Modify the HTTP status code ```php Response\status(403); ``` ### Temporary redirection ```php Response\redirect('http://....'); ``` ### Permanent redirection ```php Response\redirect('http://....', 301); ``` ### Secure headers ```php // Send the header X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff Response\nosniff(); // Send the header X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Response\xss() // Send the header Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 Response\hsts(); // Send the header X-Frame-Options: DENY Response\xframe(); ``` ### Content Security Policies ```php Response\csp(array( 'img-src' => '*' )); // Send these headers: Content-Security-Policy: img-src *; default-src 'self'; X-Content-Security-Policy: img-src *; default-src 'self'; X-WebKit-CSP: img-src *; default-src 'self'; ``` Request ------- ### Get querystring variables ```php use PicoFarad\Request; // Get from the URL: ?toto=value echo Request\param('toto'); // Get only integer value: ?toto=2 echo Request\int_param('toto'); ``` ### Get the raw body ```php echo Request\body(); ``` ### Get decoded JSON body or form values If a form is submited, you got an array of values. If the body is a JSON encoded string you got an array of the decoded JSON. ```php print_r(Request\values()); ``` ### Get a form variable ```php echo Request\value('myvariable'); ``` ### Get the content of a uploaded file ```php echo Request\file_content('field_form_name'); ``` ### Check if the request is a POST ```php if (Request\is_post()) { ... } ``` ### Check if the request is a GET ```php if (Request\is_get()) { ... } ``` ### Get the request uri ```php echo Request\uri(); ``` Session ------- ### Open and close a session The session cookie have the following settings: - Cookie lifetime: 2678400 seconds (31 days) - Limited to a specified path (http://domain/mywebapp/) or not (http://domain/) - If the connection is HTTPS, the cookie use the secure flag - The cookie is HttpOnly, not available from Javascript Example: ```php use PicoFarad\Session; // Session start Session\open('mywebappdirectory'); // Destroy the session Session\close(); ``` ### Flash messages Set the session variables: `$_SESSION['flash_message']` and `$_SESSION['flash_error_message']`. In your template, use a helper to display and delete these messages. ```php // Standard message Session\flash('My message'); // Error message Session\flash_error('My error message'); ```