Mathias Kresin 59500bfeb7 update counter/rework redirect to unread on feeds page
The redirect to the unread page after a manual refresh only, if new
items could be fetched and we where redirected to the subscriptions
page because of a former nothing_to_read.

Update the unread counter after refreshing either one feed or all feeds.

Redirect to unread if nothing_to_read is set, but unread items exists.
This could be the situation with the remember me function, when new items
are fetched while the browser was closed.
2015-01-28 05:26:55 +01:00

216 lines
5.9 KiB

use PicoFarad\Router;
use PicoFarad\Response;
use PicoFarad\Request;
use PicoFarad\Session;
use PicoFarad\Template;
// Refresh all feeds, used when Javascript is disabled
Router\get_action('refresh-all', function() {
Session\flash(t('Your subscriptions are updated'));
// Edit feed form
Router\get_action('edit-feed', function() {
$id = Request\int_param('feed_id');
Response\html(Template\layout('edit_feed', array(
'values' => Model\Feed\get($id),
'errors' => array(),
'nb_unread_items' => Model\Item\count_by_status('unread'),
'menu' => 'feeds',
'title' => t('Edit subscription')
// Submit edit feed form
Router\post_action('edit-feed', function() {
$values = Request\values();
list($valid, $errors) = Model\Feed\validate_modification($values);
if ($valid) {
if (Model\Feed\update($values)) {
Session\flash(t('Your subscription has been updated.'));
else {
Session\flash_error(t('Unable to edit your subscription.'));
Response\html(Template\layout('edit_feed', array(
'values' => $values,
'errors' => $errors,
'nb_unread_items' => Model\Item\count_by_status('unread'),
'menu' => 'feeds',
'title' => t('Edit subscription')
// Confirmation box to remove a feed
Router\get_action('confirm-remove-feed', function() {
$id = Request\int_param('feed_id');
Response\html(Template\layout('confirm_remove_feed', array(
'feed' => Model\Feed\get($id),
'nb_unread_items' => Model\Item\count_by_status('unread'),
'menu' => 'feeds',
'title' => t('Confirmation')
// Remove a feed
Router\get_action('remove-feed', function() {
$id = Request\int_param('feed_id');
if ($id && Model\Feed\remove($id)) {
Session\flash(t('This subscription has been removed successfully.'));
else {
Session\flash_error(t('Unable to remove this subscription.'));
// Refresh one feed and redirect to unread items
Router\get_action('refresh-feed', function() {
$feed_id = Request\int_param('feed_id');
$redirect = Request\param('redirect', 'unread');
// Ajax call to refresh one feed
Router\post_action('refresh-feed', function() {
$feed_id = Request\int_param('feed_id', 0);
'feed_id' => $feed_id,
'result' => Model\Feed\refresh($feed_id),
'items_count' => Model\Feed\count_items($feed_id),
// Display all feeds
Router\get_action('feeds', function() {
$nothing_to_read = Request\int_param('nothing_to_read');
$nb_unread_items = Model\Item\count_by_status('unread');
// possible with remember me function
if ($nothing_to_read === 1 && $nb_unread_items > 0) {
Response\html(Template\layout('feeds', array(
'favicons' => Model\Feed\get_all_favicons(),
'feeds' => Model\Feed\get_all_item_counts(),
'nothing_to_read' => $nothing_to_read,
'nb_unread_items' => $nb_unread_items,
'nb_failed_feeds' => Model\Feed\count_failed_feeds(),
'menu' => 'feeds',
'title' => t('Subscriptions')
// Display form to add one feed
Router\get_action('add', function() {
Response\html(Template\layout('add', array(
'values' => array(
'csrf' => Model\Config\generate_csrf(),
'errors' => array(),
'nb_unread_items' => Model\Item\count_by_status('unread'),
'menu' => 'feeds',
'title' => t('New subscription')
// Add a feed with the form or directly from the url, it can be used by a bookmarklet by example
Router\action('subscribe', function() {
if (Request\is_post()) {
$values = Request\values();
$url = isset($values['url']) ? $values['url'] : '';
else {
$values = array();
$url = Request\param('url');
$token = Request\param('token');
if ($token !== Model\Config\get('bookmarklet_token')) {
Response\text('Access Forbidden', 403);
$values += array('download_content' => 0, 'rtl' => 0);
$url = trim($url);
$feed_id = Model\Feed\create($url, $values['download_content'], $values['rtl']);
if ($feed_id) {
Session\flash(t('Subscription added successfully.'));
else {
Session\flash_error(t('Unable to find a subscription.'));
Response\html(Template\layout('add', array(
'values' => array(
'url' => $url,
'csrf' => Model\Config\generate_csrf(),
'nb_unread_items' => Model\Item\count_by_status('unread'),
'menu' => 'feeds',
'title' => t('Subscriptions')
// OPML export
Router\get_action('export', function() {
// OPML import form
Router\get_action('import', function() {
Response\html(Template\layout('import', array(
'errors' => array(),
'nb_unread_items' => Model\Item\count_by_status('unread'),
'menu' => 'feeds',
'title' => t('OPML Import')
// OPML importation
Router\post_action('import', function() {
if (Model\Feed\import_opml(Request\file_content('file'))) {
Session\flash(t('Your feeds have been imported.'));
else {
Session\flash_error(t('Unable to import your OPML file.'));