Mathias Kresin f89ed85a83 update libraries
fixes #365, #367
2015-04-28 18:08:42 +02:00
2015-03-01 19:56:11 +01:00
2015-04-10 20:34:48 -04:00
2015-01-27 20:13:16 -05:00
2015-04-28 18:08:42 +02:00
2015-04-28 18:08:42 +02:00
2015-04-10 20:34:48 -04:00
2015-04-28 18:08:42 +02:00

Simple Validator - Easy to use validator library for PHP

Simple Validator is a PHP library to perform data validation. Nothing more, nothing less. You don't need to have a full bloated framework or an overkill ORM to validate data. This library is intented to be used inside your models.


  • Simple and easy to use
  • No dependencies
  • Validators: AlphaNumeric, Email, Integer, Length, Numeric, Range, Required, Unique, MacAddress, etc...


  • PHP >= 5.3


Frédéric Guillot




Your data must be an array, it can be form data, a decoded JSON string or whatever. Each different validator is a simple standalone class. But we use a main class to pass through every validators. Let's see a basic example:

use SimpleValidator\Validator;
use SimpleValidator\Validators;

$data = array('field1' => '1234');

$v = new Validator($data, array(
	new Validators\Required('field1', 'field1 is required'),
	new Validators\Integer('field1', 'field1 must be an integer'),

// Validation error
if (! $v->execute()) {

	print_r($v->getErrors()); // Get all validation errors



Allow only letters and digits.

new Validators\AlphaNumeric('column name', 'error message');


I use the same validation method as Firefox:

So email address like toto+titi@domain.tld are allowed.

new Validators\Email($field, $error_message);


Allow only integer, but also strings with digits only.

new Validators\Integer($field, $error_message);


Allow only strings with a correct length.

new Validators\AlphaLength($field, $error_message, $min, $max);


Allow float, integer and strings with only digits and dot.

new Validators\Numeric($field, $error_message);


Allow only numbers inside the specified range.

new Validators\Range($field, $error_message, $min, $max);


The specified field must exists.

new Validators\Required($field, $error_message);


The specified fields must be equals.

new Validators\Equals($field, $field2, $error_message);


The specified fields must not be equals.

new Validators\NotEquals($field, $field2, $error_message);


Check inside a database if the column value exists or not.

new Validators\Exists($field, $error_message, PDO $pdo, $table, $key = '');

$pdo must be an PDO instance, $table is the table name. By default the key used in the table is the value of $field, but it can be override if the field doesn't have the same name in the database.


Check inside a database if the column value is unique or not.

new Validators\Unique($field, $error_message, PDO $pdo, $table, $primary_key = 'id');

$pdo must be an PDO instance, $table is the table name and by default the primary key is "id".

$field can either be a string or an array of string to check inside a database if a value from several columns is unique or not.

If the primary key value is not null, we don't check the uniqueness of the column for this row. It's useful if you perform validation for an update.


Install the latest version of PHPUnit

Simply download the PHPUnit PHAR et copy the file somewhere in your $PATH:

chmod +x phpunit.phar
sudo mv phpunit.phar /usr/local/bin/phpunit
phpunit --version
PHPUnit 4.2.6 by Sebastian Bergmann.

Running unit tests

Sqlite tests use a in-memory database, nothing is written on the filesystem.


phpunit --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php tests
PHPUnit 4.4.2 by Sebastian Bergmann.


Time: 69 ms, Memory: 3.75Mb

OK (12 tests, 149 assertions)