Remove line breaks and indentation around links text: At least Chrome/Firefox on Windows add the white space(s) from the HTML Code to the link text, which results in "jumping" labels. The behaviour can be observed with the Hello Theme while toggling the bookmark status.
52 lines
2.5 KiB
52 lines
2.5 KiB
id="item-<?= $item['id'] ?>"
class="feed-<?= $item['feed_id'] ?>"
data-item-id="<?= $item['id'] ?>"
data-item-status="<?= $item['status'] ?>"
data-item-bookmark="<?= $item['bookmark'] ?>"
data-item-page="<?= $menu ?>"
<?= $hide ? 'data-hide="true"' : '' ?>
<h2 <?= Helper\isRTL($item) ? 'dir="rtl"' : '' ?>>
<?= $item['bookmark'] ? '<span id="bookmark-icon-'.$item['id'].'">★ </span>' : '' ?>
<?= $item['status'] === 'read' ? '<span id="read-icon-'.$item['id'].'">✔ </span>' : '' ?>
href="?action=show&menu=<?= $menu ?>&id=<?= $item['id'] ?>"
data-item-id="<?= $item['id'] ?>"
id="show-<?= $item['id'] ?>"
<?= $item['status'] === 'read' ? 'class="read"' : '' ?>
><?= Helper\escape($item['title']) ?></a>
<?php if($display_mode === 'full'): ?>
<div class="preview" <?= Helper\isRTL($item) ? 'dir="rtl"' : '' ?>>
<?= $item['content'] ?>
<?php else: ?>
<p class="preview" <?= Helper\isRTL($item) ? 'dir="rtl"' : '' ?>>
<?= Helper\escape(Helper\summary(strip_tags($item['content']), 50, 300)) ?>
<?php endif ?>
<ul class="item-menu">
<?php if (! isset($item['feed_title'])): ?>
<?= Helper\get_host_from_url($item['url']) ?>
<?php else: ?>
<a href="?action=feed-items&feed_id=<?= $item['feed_id'] ?>" title="<?= t('Show only this subscription') ?>"><?= Helper\escape($item['feed_title']) ?></a>
<?php endif ?>
<li class="hide-mobile">
<span title="<?= dt('%e %B %Y %k:%M', $item['updated']) ?>"><?= Helper\relative_time($item['updated']) ?></span>
<li class="hide-mobile">
<a href="<?= $item['url'] ?>" id="original-<?= $item['id'] ?>" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank" data-item-id="<?= $item['id'] ?>" data-action="original-link"><?= t('original link') ?></a>
<?php if ($item['enclosure']): ?>
<a href="<?= $item['enclosure'] ?>" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank"><?= t('media') ?></a>
<?php endif ?>
<?= \PicoFarad\Template\load('bookmark_links', array('item' => $item, 'menu' => $menu, 'offset' => $offset, 'source' => '')) ?>
<?= \PicoFarad\Template\load('status_links', array('item' => $item, 'redirect' => $menu, 'offset' => $offset)) ?>