2013-09-30 21:30:23 -04:00

1066 lines
25 KiB

namespace Model;
require_once 'vendor/PicoFeed/Filter.php';
require_once 'vendor/PicoFeed/Export.php';
require_once 'vendor/PicoFeed/Import.php';
require_once 'vendor/PicoFeed/Reader.php';
require_once 'vendor/SimpleValidator/Validator.php';
require_once 'vendor/SimpleValidator/Base.php';
require_once 'vendor/SimpleValidator/Validators/Required.php';
require_once 'vendor/SimpleValidator/Validators/Unique.php';
require_once 'vendor/SimpleValidator/Validators/MaxLength.php';
require_once 'vendor/SimpleValidator/Validators/MinLength.php';
require_once 'vendor/SimpleValidator/Validators/Integer.php';
require_once 'vendor/SimpleValidator/Validators/Equals.php';
require_once 'vendor/SimpleValidator/Validators/Integer.php';
use SimpleValidator\Validator;
use SimpleValidator\Validators;
use PicoFeed\Import;
use PicoFeed\Reader;
use PicoFeed\Export;
const DB_VERSION = 17;
const HTTP_USERAGENT = 'Miniflux -';
const HTTP_FAKE_USERAGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.62 Safari/537.36';
const LIMIT_ALL = -1;
function get_sorting_directions()
return array(
'asc' => t('Older items first'),
'desc' => t('Most recent first'),
function get_languages()
$languages = array(
'cs_CZ' => t('Czech'),
'de_DE' => t('German'),
'en_US' => t('English'),
'es_ES' => t('Spanish'),
'fr_FR' => t('French'),
'it_IT' => t('Italian'),
'zh_CN' => t('Simplified Chinese'),
return $languages;
function get_themes()
$themes = array(
'original' => t('Original')
if (file_exists(THEME_DIRECTORY)) {
$dir = new \DirectoryIterator(THEME_DIRECTORY);
foreach ($dir as $fileinfo) {
if (! $fileinfo->isDot() && $fileinfo->isDir()) {
$themes[$dir->getFilename()] = ucfirst($dir->getFilename());
return $themes;
function get_autoflush_options()
return array(
'0' => t('Never'),
'1' => t('After %d day', 1),
'5' => t('After %d days', 5),
'15' => t('After %d days', 15),
'30' => t('After %d days', 30)
function get_paging_options()
return array(
50 => 50,
100 => 100,
150 => 150,
200 => 200,
250 => 250,
function write_debug()
if (DEBUG) {
$data = '';
foreach (\PicoFeed\Logging::$messages as $line) {
$data .= $line.PHP_EOL;
file_put_contents(DEBUG_FILENAME, $data);
function generate_token()
if (ini_get('open_basedir') === '') {
return substr(base64_encode(file_get_contents('/dev/urandom', false, null, 0, 20)), 0, 15);
else {
return substr(base64_encode(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)), 0, 20);
function new_tokens()
$values = array(
'api_token' => generate_token(),
'feed_token' => generate_token(),
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')->table('config')->update($values);
function save_auth_token($type, $value)
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')
'auth_'.$type.'_token' => $value
function remove_auth_token($type)
'auth_'.$type.'_token' => ''
$_SESSION['config'] = get_config();
function export_feeds()
$opml = new Export(get_feeds());
return $opml->execute();
function import_feeds($content)
$import = new Import($content);
$feeds = $import->execute();
if ($feeds) {
$db = \PicoTools\singleton('db');
foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
if (! $db->table('feeds')->eq('feed_url', $feed->feed_url)->count()) {
'title' => $feed->title,
'site_url' => $feed->site_url,
'feed_url' => $feed->feed_url
return true;
return false;
function import_feed($url, $grabber = false)
$reader = new Reader;
$resource = $reader->download($url, '', '', HTTP_TIMEOUT, HTTP_USERAGENT);
$parser = $reader->getParser();
if ($parser !== false) {
$parser->grabber = $grabber;
$feed = $parser->execute();
if ($feed === false || ! $feed->title || ! $feed->url) {
return false;
$db = \PicoTools\singleton('db');
if (! $db->table('feeds')->eq('feed_url', $reader->getUrl())->count()) {
// Etag and LastModified are added the next update
$rs = $db->table('feeds')->save(array(
'title' => $feed->title,
'site_url' => $feed->url,
'feed_url' => $reader->getUrl(),
'download_content' => $grabber ? 1 : 0
if ($rs) {
$feed_id = $db->getConnection()->getLastId();
update_items($feed_id, $feed->items, $grabber);
return (int) $feed_id;
return false;
function update_feeds($limit = LIMIT_ALL)
$feeds_id = get_feeds_id($limit);
foreach ($feeds_id as $feed_id) {
// Auto-vacuum for people using the cronjob
return true;
function update_feed($feed_id)
$feed = get_feed($feed_id);
if (empty($feed)) return false;
$reader = new Reader;
$resource = $reader->download(
// Update the `last_checked` column each time, HTTP cache or not
if (! $resource->isModified()) {
return true;
$parser = $reader->getParser();
if ($parser !== false) {
if ($feed['download_content']) {
// Don't fetch previous items, only new one
$parser->grabber_ignore_urls = \PicoTools\singleton('db')
->eq('feed_id', $feed_id)
$parser->grabber = true;
$parser->grabber_timeout = HTTP_TIMEOUT;
$parser->grabber_user_agent = HTTP_FAKE_USERAGENT;
$result = $parser->execute();
if ($result !== false) {
update_feed_cache_infos($feed_id, $resource->getLastModified(), $resource->getEtag());
update_items($feed_id, $result->items, $parser->grabber);
return true;
return false;
function get_feeds_id($limit = LIMIT_ALL)
$table_feeds = \PicoTools\singleton('db')->table('feeds')
->eq('enabled', 1)
if ($limit !== LIMIT_ALL) {
return $table_feeds->listing('id', 'id');
function get_feeds()
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')
function get_feed($feed_id)
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')
->eq('id', $feed_id)
function get_empty_feeds()
$feeds = \PicoTools\singleton('db')
->columns('', 'feeds.title', 'COUNT( AS nb_items')
->join('items', 'feed_id', 'id')
foreach ($feeds as $key => &$feed) {
if ($feed['nb_items'] > 0) {
return $feeds;
function update_feed_last_checked($feed_id)
->eq('id', $feed_id)
'last_checked' => time()
function update_feed_cache_infos($feed_id, $last_modified, $etag)
->eq('id', $feed_id)
'last_modified' => $last_modified,
'etag' => $etag
function parse_content_with_readability($content, $url)
require_once 'vendor/Readability/Readability.php';
if (! empty($content)) {
$readability = new \Readability($content, $url);
if ($readability->init()) {
return $readability->getContent()->innerHTML;
return '';
function download_content($url)
require_once 'vendor/PicoFeed/Grabber.php';
$client = \PicoFeed\Client::create();
$client->url = $url;
$client->timeout = HTTP_TIMEOUT;
$client->user_agent = HTTP_FAKE_USERAGENT;
$html = $client->getContent();
if (! empty($html)) {
// Try first with PicoFeed grabber and with Readability after
$grabber = new \PicoFeed\Grabber($url);
$grabber->html = $html;
$content = '';
if ($grabber->parse()) {
$content = $grabber->content;
if (empty($content)) {
$content = parse_content_with_readability($grabber->html, $url);
// Filter content
$filter = new \PicoFeed\Filter($content, $url);
return $filter->execute();
return '';
function download_item($item_id)
$item = get_item($item_id);
$content = download_content($item['url']);
if (! empty($content)) {
if (! get_config_value('nocontent')) {
// Save content
->eq('id', $item['id'])
->save(array('content' => $content));
return array(
'result' => true,
'content' => $content
return array(
'result' => false,
'content' => ''
function remove_feed($feed_id)
// Items are removed by a sql constraint
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')->table('feeds')->eq('id', $feed_id)->remove();
function remove_feeds()
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')->table('feeds')->remove();
function enable_feed($feed_id)
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')->table('feeds')->eq('id', $feed_id)->save((array('enabled' => 1)));
function disable_feed($feed_id)
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')->table('feeds')->eq('id', $feed_id)->save((array('enabled' => 0)));
function enable_grabber_feed($feed_id)
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')->table('feeds')->eq('id', $feed_id)->save((array('download_content' => 1)));
function disable_grabber_feed($feed_id)
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')->table('feeds')->eq('id', $feed_id)->save((array('download_content' => 0)));
function get_items($status, $offset = null, $limit = null, $order_column = 'updated', $order_direction = 'desc')
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')
'feeds.title AS feed_title'
->join('feeds', 'id', 'feed_id')
->eq('status', $status)
->orderBy($order_column, $order_direction)
function count_items($status)
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')
->eq('status', $status)
function count_bookmarks()
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')
->eq('bookmark', 1)
->in('status', array('read', 'unread'))
function get_bookmarks($offset = null, $limit = null)
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')
'feeds.title AS feed_title'
->join('feeds', 'id', 'feed_id')
->in('status', array('read', 'unread'))
->eq('bookmark', 1)
->orderBy('updated', get_config_value('items_sorting_direction'))
function count_feed_items($feed_id)
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')
->eq('feed_id', $feed_id)
->in('status', array('unread', 'read'))
function get_feed_items($feed_id, $offset = null, $limit = null, $order_column = 'updated', $order_direction = 'desc')
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')
->join('feeds', 'id', 'feed_id')
->in('status', array('unread', 'read'))
->eq('feed_id', $feed_id)
->orderBy($order_column, $order_direction)
function get_item($id)
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')
->eq('id', $id)
function get_nav_item($item, $status = array('unread'), $bookmark = array(1, 0), $feed_id = null)
$query = \PicoTools\singleton('db')
->columns('id', 'status', 'title', 'bookmark')
->neq('status', 'removed')
->orderBy('updated', get_config_value('items_sorting_direction'));
if ($feed_id) $query->eq('feed_id', $feed_id);
$items = $query->findAll();
$next_item = null;
$previous_item = null;
for ($i = 0, $ilen = count($items); $i < $ilen; $i++) {
if ($items[$i]['id'] == $item['id']) {
if ($i > 0) {
$j = $i - 1;
while ($j >= 0) {
if (in_array($items[$j]['status'], $status) && in_array($items[$j]['bookmark'], $bookmark)) {
$previous_item = $items[$j];
if ($i < ($ilen - 1)) {
$j = $i + 1;
while ($j < $ilen) {
if (in_array($items[$j]['status'], $status) && in_array($items[$j]['bookmark'], $bookmark)) {
$next_item = $items[$j];
return array(
'next' => $next_item,
'previous' => $previous_item
function set_item_removed($id)
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')
->eq('id', $id)
->save(array('status' => 'removed', 'content' => ''));
function set_item_read($id)
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')
->eq('id', $id)
->save(array('status' => 'read'));
function set_item_unread($id)
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')
->eq('id', $id)
->save(array('status' => 'unread'));
function set_items_status($status, array $items)
if (! in_array($status, array('read', 'unread', 'removed'))) return false;
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')
->in('id', $items)
->save(array('status' => $status));
function set_bookmark_value($id, $value)
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')
->eq('id', $id)
->save(array('bookmark' => $value));
function switch_item_status($id)
$item = \PicoTools\singleton('db')
->eq('id', $id)
if ($item['status'] == 'unread') {
->eq('id', $id)
->save(array('status' => 'read'));
return 'read';
else {
->eq('id', $id)
->save(array('status' => 'unread'));
return 'unread';
return '';
// Mark all items as read
function mark_as_read()
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')
->eq('status', 'unread')
->save(array('status' => 'read'));
// Mark only specified items as read
function mark_items_as_read(array $items_id)
foreach ($items_id as $id) {
// Mark all items of a feed as read
function mark_feed_as_read($feed_id)
$items_id = \PicoTools\singleton('db')
->eq('status', 'unread')
->eq('feed_id', $feed_id)
->listing('id', 'id');
foreach ($items_id as $id) {
function mark_as_removed()
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')
->eq('status', 'read')
->eq('bookmark', 0)
->save(array('status' => 'removed', 'content' => ''));
function autoflush()
$autoflush = get_config_value('autoflush');
if ($autoflush) {
->eq('bookmark', 0)
->eq('status', 'read')
->lt('updated', strtotime('-'.$autoflush.'day'))
->save(array('status' => 'removed', 'content' => ''));
function update_items($feed_id, array $items, $grabber = false)
$nocontent = (bool) get_config_value('nocontent');
$items_in_feed = array();
$db = \PicoTools\singleton('db');
foreach ($items as $item) {
// Item parsed correctly?
if ($item->id) {
// Insert only new item
if ($db->table('items')->eq('id', $item->id)->count() !== 1) {
if (! $item->content && ! $nocontent && $grabber) {
$item->content = download_content($item->url);
'id' => $item->id,
'title' => $item->title,
'url' => $item->url,
'updated' => $item->updated,
'author' => $item->author,
'content' => $nocontent ? '' : $item->content,
'status' => 'unread',
'feed_id' => $feed_id
// Items inside this feed
$items_in_feed[] = $item->id;
// Remove from the database items marked as "removed"
// and not present inside the feed
if (! empty($items_in_feed)) {
$removed_items = \PicoTools\singleton('db')
->notin('id', $items_in_feed)
->eq('status', 'removed')
->eq('feed_id', $feed_id)
// Keep a buffer of 2 items
// It's workaround for buggy feeds (cache issue with some Wordpress plugins)
if (is_array($removed_items)) {
$items_to_remove = array_slice($removed_items, 2);
if (! empty($items_to_remove)) {
->in('id', $items_to_remove)
->eq('status', 'removed')
->eq('feed_id', $feed_id)
function get_config_value($name)
if (! isset($_SESSION)) {
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')->table('config')->findOneColumn($name);
else {
if (! isset($_SESSION['config'])) {
$_SESSION['config'] = get_config();
if (isset($_SESSION['config'][$name])) {
return $_SESSION['config'][$name];
return null;
function get_config()
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')
function get_user($username)
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')
->columns('username', 'password', 'language')
->eq('username', $username)
function validate_login(array $values)
$v = new Validator($values, array(
new Validators\Required('username', t('The user name is required')),
new Validators\MaxLength('username', t('The maximum length is 50 characters'), 50),
new Validators\Required('password', t('The password is required'))
$result = $v->execute();
$errors = $v->getErrors();
if ($result) {
$user = get_user($values['username']);
if ($user && \password_verify($values['password'], $user['password'])) {
$_SESSION['user'] = $user;
$_SESSION['config'] = get_config();
else {
$result = false;
$errors['login'] = t('Bad username or password');
return array(
function validate_config_update(array $values)
if (! empty($values['password'])) {
$v = new Validator($values, array(
new Validators\Required('username', t('The user name is required')),
new Validators\MaxLength('username', t('The maximum length is 50 characters'), 50),
new Validators\Required('password', t('The password is required')),
new Validators\MinLength('password', t('The minimum length is 6 characters'), 6),
new Validators\Required('confirmation', t('The confirmation is required')),
new Validators\Equals('password', 'confirmation', t('Passwords doesn\'t match')),
new Validators\Required('autoflush', t('Value required')),
new Validators\Required('items_per_page', t('Value required')),
new Validators\Integer('items_per_page', t('Must be an integer')),
new Validators\Required('theme', t('Value required')),
else {
$v = new Validator($values, array(
new Validators\Required('username', t('The user name is required')),
new Validators\MaxLength('username', t('The maximum length is 50 characters'), 50),
new Validators\Required('autoflush', t('Value required')),
new Validators\Required('items_per_page', t('Value required')),
new Validators\Integer('items_per_page', t('Must be an integer')),
new Validators\Required('theme', t('Value required')),
return array(
function save_config(array $values)
// Update the password if needed
if (! empty($values['password'])) {
$values['password'] = \password_hash($values['password'], PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
} else {
// Reload configuration in session
$_SESSION['config'] = $values;
// Reload translations for flash session message
// If the user does not want content of feeds, remove it in previous ones
if (isset($values['nocontent']) && (bool) $values['nocontent']) {
\PicoTools\singleton('db')->table('items')->update(array('content' => ''));
return \PicoTools\singleton('db')->table('config')->update($values);