2014-04-05 21:58:17 -04:00

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Cronjob (background feeds update)
How do I update my feeds with a cronjob?
You just need to be inside the directory `miniflux` and run the script `cronjob.php`.
Parameters | Type | Value
--database | optional | Database filename, default is db.sqlite (ex: db2.sqlite)
--limit | optional | number of feeds
--call-interval | optional, excluded by --limit, require --update-interval | time in minutes < update interval time
--update-interval | optional, excluded by --limit, require --call-interval | time in minutes >= call interval time
crontab -e
# Update all feeds every 4 hours
0 */4 * * * cd /path/to/miniflux && php cronjob.php >/dev/null 2>&1
# Update the 10 oldest feeds each time
0 */4 * * * cd /path/to/miniflux && php cronjob.php --limit=10 >/dev/null 2>&1
# Update all feeds in 60 minutes (updates the 8 oldest feeds each time with a total of 120 feeds).
* */4 * * * cd /path/to/miniflux && php cronjob.php --call-interval=4 --update-interval=60 >/dev/null 2>&1
Note: cronjob.php can also be called from the web, in this case specify the options as GET variables.
Example: <http://yourpersonalserver/miniflux/cronjob.php?call-interval=4&update-interval=60>