2016-05-01 22:03:21 -04:00

136 lines
3.7 KiB

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Pheanstalk is a pure PHP 5.3+ client for the [beanstalkd workqueue][1]. It has
been actively developed, and used in production by many, since late 2008.
Created by [Paul Annesley][2], Pheanstalk is rigorously unit tested and written
using encapsulated, maintainable object oriented design. Community feedback,
bug reports and patches has led to a stable 1.0 release in 2010, a 2.0 release
in 2013, and a 3.0 release in 2014.
Pheanstalk 3.0 introduces PHP namespaces, PSR-1 and PSR-2 coding standards,
and PSR-4 autoloader standard.
beanstalkd up to the latest version 1.4 is supported. All commands and
responses specified in the [protocol documentation][3] for beanstalkd 1.3 are
Installation with Composer
Install pheanstalk as a dependency with composer:
composer require pda/pheanstalk
Usage Example
// Hopefully you're using Composer autoloading.
use Pheanstalk\Pheanstalk;
$pheanstalk = new Pheanstalk('');
// ----------------------------------------
// producer (queues jobs)
->put("job payload goes here\n");
// ----------------------------------------
// worker (performs jobs)
$job = $pheanstalk
echo $job->getData();
// ----------------------------------------
// check server availability
$pheanstalk->getConnection()->isServiceListening(); // true or false
Running the tests
There is a section of the test suite which depends on a running beanstalkd
at, which was previously opt-in via `--with-server`.
Since porting to PHPUnit, all tests are run at once. Feel free to submit
a pull request to rectify this.
# ensure you have Composer set up
$ wget
$ php composer.phar install
# ensure you have PHPUnit
$ composer install --dev
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit
PHPUnit 4.0.19 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Configuration read from /Users/pda/code/pheanstalk/phpunit.xml.dist
................................................................. 65 / 83 ( 78%)
Time: 239 ms, Memory: 6.00Mb
OK (83 tests, 378 assertions)
* [Paul Annesley](
* [Lachlan Donald](
* [Joakim Bick](
* [Vyacheslav](
* [leprechaun](
* [Peter McArthur](
* [robbiehudson](
* [Geoff Catlin](
* [Steven Lewis](
* [Lars Yencken](
* [Josh Butts](
* [Henry Smith](
* [Javier Spagnoletti](
* [Graham Campbell](
* [Thomas Tourlourat](
* [Matthieu Napoli](
* [Christoph](
* [James Hamilton](
* [Hannes Van De Vreken](
* [Yaniv Davidovitch](
* .. [more?]( Let me know if you're missing.
© Paul Annesley
Released under the [The MIT License](